So said a friend of mine who was driving. We are supposed to get another 10 to 12 inches of snow here. White out conditions are terrible here!
"It's Snowing Like A Bast^rd"
by minimus 17 Replies latest jw friends
If he said this while talking to you on a cell phone, tell him to put the damn phone down and pay attention to the road.
Big Tex
Hey send some of that snow down here. Forecast is 72 and sunny for Christmas Day. Some of us want a snowy Christmas. Or at least a cold one.
We've had snow and cold here. My wife got 6 inches last night and I had 2 below this morning.
We've h^d ^bout a foot of the white stuff, here, ^nd it's still coming down, like ^ b^st^rd;) S
My wife got 6 inches last night
you're an honest man, Gary. Most guys would exaggerate....
...whoa, wait a minute. Maybe you did!
So, I'm from Colorado and I think I have seen it all.....BUT.....just experienced my first "ice storm". Wicked power for three days....40 mph winds now blowing ice off the trees, slamming against the windows threatening to break through, trees popping like grenades and exploding limbs....a flipping war zone!!!
-2 current temp....25 mph winds....40 wind gusts
wings (longing for a regular snow storm....3ft can't beat this)
you guys get it bad in New England
Just try going to Maine. It is a blizzard there--after they lost power for an ice storm last week. I wonder how many of them are still without electricity because of the ice storm, and now they have a blizzard to deal with. At least in the midwest you only have the blizzard.
I just hope it manages to cancel a few boasting sessions and put a crimp in field circus.
Oh Gary.