Hello everyone,
Thank you all for the great messages you have written, both publicly and privately. It figures that the one time I start a topic and it turns into 10 pages long, it's about my dad!!
The funeral will be held next Monday, December 29th, at Radcliffe Crematorium. It will be at 11.15am. I know several of you have asked about donations or flowers, and we have decided that if you would like to make a donation, please do so to the HTU unit at Christie Hospital, where my dad had a lot of his treatment. Any cheques are to be sent to Sillett's Funeral Directors, on Spring Lane, in Radcliffe, Manchester.
Thanks in advance for that; we appreciate all your gestures.
If anyone has any other questions please feel free to ask; I check in here several times a day to read your messages. Thank you to everyone who has BTTTd as well.
Steph xx
Dansk's Funeral Arrangements
by faundy 52 Replies latest jw friends
thank you for taking the time
to keep the forum updated, mate....sincere regards to all the family....
i will make it a point to set the alarm
for 5:15 in the morning here... light a
candle and sit with my recollections
of your dad for a spell....godspeed you ian, brave and noble man......
It figures that the one time I start a topic and it turns into 10 pages long, it's about my dad!!
The topic is regarding your dad, yes. But it really is about you and we all support you and grieve with you now.
Again, my condolences on your loss.
(((Faundy))).."It figures that the one time I start a topic and it turns into 10 pages long, it's about my dad!!" ......Your Dad would have loved the humour in that..LOL!!.....Give your mom a hug for me..Let her know I`m thinking about you all......................
Thank you Steph for taking the time to keep us informed.
Thinking of you all.
Kaytee and Twinkletoes
faundy, Please provide the full mailing address of where you want the checks sent, along with the exact spelling of who the check should be made out to. Those of us overseas might not realize what HTU means or what postal code to use. Thanks!!!
I have not been on the forum for a week or so. This is the first thread I saw when I logged on and my heart sank.
I've been thinking of your dad and posted inquiry a few times. My saddened heart goes out to you, your mom and your family.
Although I never met your dad in person, he was one that I was drawn to when I first found JWD and will always remember him.
Thank you for the notice and update(s).
Hi Steph.
It's been a while since I've logged in to JWD and am shocked to hear of your dad's passing. He was greatly loved and respected out here.
Please accept my sympathy for your tremendous loss.
Thank you for posting the details Steph.
I just went back and read your dad's Biography from a few years ago. He was a truly wonderful man and so like many of us.
"19 years associated, including 15 years baptised. My wife and I started studying around 1985 out of concern for our children's future more than anything else. I look back now and see how we were clearly lied to. Our motivies were pure but the society hoodwinked us. I would dearly love to see the society utterly and completely destroyed so that families all over the world can be reunited and thousands of other people can be saved from the heinous cult hold that once enmeshed my wife and I. Happily, my wife, two sons, one daughter and I are completely free of Watchtower now but it still has a strong hold over my older daughter, who is currently shunning us. We shall not be emotionally blackmailed and it is up to our daughter to come back to us as we shall never set foot in a kingdom hall again. There is a wonderful life outside of the organisation, where love and friendship is not conditional. Spiritual enlightenment comes from within oneself and not from any religious teaching. "