I thought that was Hitler
by BurnTheShips 24 Replies latest jw friends
No, Hitler is doing a book tour I believe. I saw him on Larry King the other week. Maybe if I have time on Christmas day I'll transcribe the King/Hitler interview for the forum. It was fascinating.
But Bin Laden really was killed in SA in 1988. He did business with the Bush family too. No WAC theories either. Salem Bin Laden, beloved international playboy businessman and Osama Bin Laden's brother.
But Bin Laden really was killed in SA in 1988.
I'm not buying it. As for the business stuff, yeah that's true. The Bin Laden family has the biggest business in Saudi Arabia outside of the oil business. They are in construction..and they are a huge family.
Yeah he cut off his beard, got a nose job, hacked a few inches off his legs, yeah I can see it.
Nothing to buy. Salem Bin Laden was killed in an ultralight crash in SA TX in 1988.
Nothing to buy. Salem Bin Laden was killed in an ultralight crash in SA TX in 1988.
Ah, I misread you. I thought you were speaking of the more famous Bin Laden.
This is strange but I sort of did my own comparison of George Bush Sr. to Vincente Fox. They have a Lot of similarities. Their teeth seem to match up identical, hair line matches up, both very tall, same build, even their ear's are similar. Do a search and put both pics side by side and see what you think. The only thing that will throw you off is Vincente's mustache.
I quit!
Very funny spoof but anyone who has been following what really happened to Bin Laden as I have knows that in 2002 he supposedly went in the hospital for dialysis but really went in for a sex change and came out as the woman we know as Sarah Palin. One of the proofs sighted was in a 2002 interview where he said "I'm not going to tell you where I'm hiding but I can see Russia from my house.
Double Edge
One of the proofs sighted was in a 2002 interview where he said "I'm not going to tell you where I'm hiding but I can see Russia from my house.
It's really tricky of the CIA to name the imposter almost the exact same name as his old identity. Brilliant!
...whoever wrote this sure has smarts.
It's this kind of conspiracy theory, and these kind of people, that make attempts on presidents' lives. This worries me.