WT lies

by Newborn 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    There wasn't 1 specific thing. It just started with something small and grew into everything.

  • DaCheech

    elders are spirit appointed.

    I had this brother Ihated with a passion become elder.

    he was so two faced that people in the territory (aka worldly people) would cringe when you said his name.

    well, he was elder and 1 year later his son became MS. seems like his son knew more than anyone else in the KH....

    he, and his son did an average of one talk per week!

    well, this two face and racist bastard became deleted after 5-6 years of doing this!

    if he (and others) were spirit appointed would he have not been appointed at all?

    how about myself!..... I became apostate at heart while being a MS, 4-5 years of this!

    where is the spirit?

  • rebel8

    Should we let rebel8 die? Yes. No. Yes. No.

    While this physician argues for the use of certain blood fractions,particularly albumin, such also come under the Scriptural ban. In fact, these fractions are being used not only by physicians but also by food processors, and so it would be well to note the labels on such products to see if they contain any blood substances or fractions. When in doubt, it would be best to do without.
    - Awake! 09/08/1956 p. 20

    While God did not intend for man to contaminate his blood stream by vaccines, serums or blood fractions, doing so does not seem to be included in God's expressed will forbidding blood as food. It would therefore be a matter of individual judgment whether one accepted such types of medication or not.
    - The Watchtower 09/15/1958 p. 575

    Is it wrong to sustain life by administering a transfusion of blood or plasma or red cells or others of the component parts of the blood? Yes!...The prohibition includes "any blood at all."
    - Blood, Medicine and the Law of God, 1961, pp. 13, 14

    Certain clotting "factors" derived from blood are now in wide use for the treatment of hemophilia, a disorder causing uncontrollable bleeding. ... Of course, true Christians do not use this potentially dangerous treatment, heeding the Bible's command to 'abstain from blood.'
    - Awake! 02/22/1975 p. 30

    What, however, about accepting serum injections to fight against disease, such as are employed for diphtheria, tetanus, viral hepatitis, rabies, hemophilia and Rh incompatibility? ...This seems to fall into a 'gray area.'...Hence, we have taken the position that this question must be resolved by each individual on a personal basis....How concerned should a Christian be about blood in food products? ...This may call for a degree of care....Christians, individually, must decide what to do.
    - The Watchtower 06/15/1978 pp. 29, 30, 31

  • Robert7

    I think the biggest lie is that they are the absolute Truth, and everyone else is false and a lie.

  • mary stewart
    mary stewart

    great quote kinjiro! i saw the whole speech on youtube! XD

  • tenyearsafter

    "We never said Armageddon would come in 1975..."

  • tenyearsafter

    "We never said Armageddon would come in 1975..."

  • stillajwexelder

    That they have the f-----g nerve to call it "The Truth"


    The Biggest WBT$ Lie??????.............Farkel has it Nailed!!....."We speak for God." ...................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    :What's the biggest lie of the WT sect, according to you?

    There can only one absolute answer to that question:

    "We speak for God."

    Well. I finally found something that me and Farkel agree on. This is the crux of the matter- that they hijack "the faithful and discreet slave" and appropriate it to roughly a dozen men in Brooklyn, NYC. It is clear to anyone who takes off the WTBTS blinders and reads the Scriptures after praying for and recieving the Holy Spirit that "the faithful and discreet slave" are the same as the "wheat", the "sheep", "the five wise virgins", etc, that re spoken of throughout the New Testament. BA- May the lies of the WT, as well as those of all who teach lies, come to an end soon. Amen.

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