He's like a Tony Robbins with a religious slant......a promoter of positive thinking to make achiements......I wonder if he ever took Tony's course ?
Joel Osteen on Larry KIng
by Scarred for life 28 Replies latest jw friends
I first saw him when I was traveling in the Mid-West. I was a dub then and I was impressed. He was tracking what I thought was the Bible's message, and particularly Christianity's much closer than WT. Now I haven't heard all his material. And quite frankly I'm through with religion. But watching him did help me when I needed some spiritual uplifting while still a JW. Isaac
I enjoyed his sermons, I DO NOT care what other people think. I like positive people.
Several years back and some who lived in the area should be able to confirm this, but two doctors told me that Joel Osteen had his arena (church or whatever) available for those imposed upon (nice way of saying it) by the Hurricane which kind of screwed up the area a bit. This was circa 2004/2005. They although not religious but atheist had nothing but praise for Him and his Church which helped out at their own cost. Unlike the Society that will help out their brothers but at the cost of others not themselves.
I enjoyed his sermons, I DO NOT care what other people think. I like positive people.
Yup, If I cared I wouldn't like to read, watch PBS, listen to NPR, enjoy english mysteries, dance to New Wave Music, get a kick out of country line dancing, knit, crochet, etc.
To each his/her own.
P.S. It's amazing to watch folks who claim to have released that Kingdom Hall mindset
I wouldn't buy a used car from him.
And I bet he has a slippery handshake.
Rub a Dub
Always interesting to hear Joel Osteen preach. His God is a wonderful god: helps at the airport to upgrade his seat to first class, finds him a parking space when everywhere looks occupied, y'know, things like that. His smile takes in the unwary, the happiness he exudes, and the noted positive attitude infect you with ease; and there's the mantra: "This is my bible... " His is a different brand of Christianity, it appears harmless, and unthreatening.
I don't think anyone is saying Joel is anything but encouraging and uplifting. He's a man. We all know that.
Avi, I could not agree with you more:
Hmmm...BA mostly quoting ex-pharisee paul and old testament stuff, instead of radical loving, reforming Jesus. Kinda interesting, huh? Joel Osteen reminds me far more of Jesus' message rather than the JW, old testament kill-everybody-who-isn't-like-you doctrine. Or Paul. Those were LETTERS folks, not books, meant to be holy scripture later. Paul was a joke. Also not surprised @ the formerly respected by me until he showed what a bigot he was happy dad that he does'nt get Jesus message from Osteen.
Satin keeps transforming himself into an angle of light.
Because he is the good guy in the bible.
Wake up and think about it.
Every story has to have a protaganist and an antagonist.
If you read the bible, if you have ever read the bible you know who the protaginst is.
You know who wanted to enlighten you and release you from bondage.
You know who wanted you to do back breaking toil all the days of your life.
If you dont know, go back and read it again start in Genesis.
And count who killed more people in the bible.
And who blinds people from doing good and right.