Prince is definitely a JW

by Cygnus 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    If Prince is a Witness (or becomes one) what do you guess will be the reason for his disfellowshipping?

  • Abaddon

    Poor guy...

    He always was a bit of a whack job, then that ghastly thing with the kid, they got him when he desperately wanted to believe he would see his baby again.

    The bastards.

    It won't last long, and the song about it will be great...

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • Hyghlandyr

    --- Read by Hyghlandyr

    Hey if Prince becomes a JW, that is one less polygamist out there...and several more females available for Hygh...

  • Seeker4

    From what I've followed about this whole thing over the past couple of years, Prince was contacted by Larry Graham. Graham was with Sly and the Family Stone, had a solo career (I think even played bass with Santana a bit), and is considered one of the great, creative bass players in rock history. He also became a JW, and an elder. His story was even in one of the mags, when cool people were actually becoming JWs.

    Graham's kids and the Jacksons were close, and at least some of the family are into music professionally.

    Anyway, Graham now plays bass with Prince, and they've been on TV talks shows together, etc. It totally surprised me that Graham played with Prince on the 2000 New Year's Eve show on cable. And Graham's outfit was wild!

    So first, I would imagine Graham is a pretty liberal Witness. I would also be surprised if he is still an elder. Second, I think Prince believes a lot of the JW line, but I will be surprised if he swallows it whole. And I wonder if they'll let him get baptized. It would almost demand that he squelch his creativity, and I think that might be impossible.

    Let's hope they don't! And you're right - he'll be out shortly if they do.


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