This is my third or fourth Avatar.
Before I put the picture of a Jaguarbass up. people thought it was a fish.
I am not a fisherman in this life. In previous lifes I have been.
A Jaguarbass is a guirtar made by Fender. I think they want it to have a retro feel.
But back in the day there was no juguarbass, there were only jaguar guitars.
So the Jaguarbass is probalby less then 10 years old.
I dont have a Jaguarbass. I do have 35 guitars but have never gotten around to buying that one.
I took the name so I could advertise for band jobs, music gigs without my main band knowing.
I guess it started as an alias.
THis is my next guitar that I am saving for at the moment.
Gibson SJ-200 EC