Mommie, when is Santa supposed to be here?

by mrsjones5 13 Replies latest social family

  • mrsjones5

    My five year old son Joshua, who happens to have autism and is apparently becoming more conversational, just said that to me.


  • BabaYaga

    I understand your Momma's tears, Hon, but it made me smile.


  • mrsjones5

    Made me smile too. Those are tears of joy.

  • BabaYaga

    Oh my gods, what a perfect BEAUTY he is!!! Okay, fine, I see how you are... now I am watering up, too... and still smiling

  • Gregor

    He's a fine looking young man. With you for a Mom I think he is going to be fine.

    Merry Christmas, Jonesy

  • momzcrazy

    Go to and he can watch where Santa goes, and where he has been.

  • JWdaughter

    If he gets his smarts and heart from you, along with those looks=watch out world!

    I have men in my life without an autism diagnosis that I would be glad to get that much conversation out of. He is doing wonderful. That is exactly what any kid that age is wondering right about now, and he is expressing it. My 8 year old was trying to put out milk and cookies for Santa before dinner. I told him we don't want to poison Santa with rotten milk. Got him all worried. Now he wants to give Santa a note with his cookies that says the milk is in the fridge:)

    We made gingerbread cookies today. The house smells amazing, but no one here much likes gingerbread cookies. So Santa and the neighbors will get them.

  • mrsjones5
    Go to and he can watch where Santa goes, and where he has been.

    We went there and my eight year old went gaga over the site.

    We made gingerbread men and women and as soon as "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe" went off my kids rushed to bed. Joshua was singing Christmas song before he fell asleep. He's so excited about Santa. I don't remember him being this aware of Christmas last year.


  • LDH

    Because we are concerned about Santa's ever expanding waistline, we put out a plate of carrots and celery and granola bars for the REINDEER. The Reindeer do most of the heavy pulling and lifting so it makes sense to leave them some complex carbohydrates for energy. (I chew on them after he goes to sleep LOL, and leave the 'remains' scattered on the table near the fireplace....)

    Tonight he wrote a note, "Dear Santa, Sorry we didn't leave you milk and cookies, we just don't want you to get too fat!!!!"

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Tonight he wrote a note, "Dear Santa, Sorry we didn't leave you milk and cookies, we just don't want you to get too fat!!!!"


    did the jolly ol elf leave a lump of coal for that comment? and the reindeer a different kind of lump?

    Snakes ()

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