I came across this local guys photo albums on flickr while searching for someone I know. Found them, and then this guys albums. Apparently he's a "pro" if you can call taking photos of local girls' sports teams, Witness weddings, DC's, and Bethel photography.
When you go into the albums and click on some of the photos, he has some captions. Freakin hilarious. I like the very first photo under "Bethel" it's of some guy that may be a prospective study, and his caption of this poor slob really shows that he only sees the guy as an object, not a human being. Real Christ-like, huh?
The Bethel photos and Farm are really depressing. I couldn't imagine living in that little apartment probably with someone else....no wonder they turn homo!!!
What do you notice about the sports albums? Gee....they are all GIRLS teams!!! This guy is truly sex-starved, and it shows. What a perfect job for a sex-starved never had-a-date JW - photographing High School girls sports teams. Oh yeah, nothing like getting those close-up shots with a 56-300mm zoom lens!!!
This whole album made me want to barf. In the DC pics everyone has one of those glossed-over fake smiles. Like a zoombie saying....."
moooorree braiinssssss!!!!" If only they had any brains.
Please, lets not leave this guy any comments to his photos. I want to leave it untouched so I can keep looking in the future. Maybe I'll see him marry some desperate Suzy Homemaker in the future.
The irony here? Attending sporting events when I was growing up (80's-90's) was considered "bad association" and you were considered "Spiritually weak" by doing so. Guess anything goes today in the liberal JW's!!!!
- Wing Commander
You gotta check this guys photos at Bethel, etc ....................
by WingCommander 57 Replies latest jw experiences
Probably won't see this one in a WT magazine...
Girls' volleyball. Say no more. Poor slob.
S -
Poor thing, he's in spiritual paradise.
Wow, an orange flowered couch!
one of the last Bethel photos seems to be of Clay Aiken! Hmm.
These brothers are preparing for life after Bethel:
Caption undernethe says "sister at bethel, she was there for decades"
Shame i cant add "but she wasn't suppose to get old!"
Probably won't see this one in a WT magazine...
Hes been there since 76 and prob single. Note the carrier bags full of porn on his bed