My Christmas wish for you

by Lady Lee 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    This past year has seen this group experience many joys and sorrows. So many have had serious struggles this past year. It has been wonderful to see the amazing support offered to all those who need it. I have watched as so many of you have offered your time and energy and compassion to be there for those who needed it.

    I think this group really has demonstrated the spirit of giving, not only once a year (as we were once told) but all year long. And the giving has been without any pressure from others or only directed to "deserving" ones.

    My heart and thoughts go out to all those who are still struggling with problems this year. For some it is health, others it is family or legal issues. For some it is the struggle to become free of the WTS shackles. And for many it is the work of rediscovery in a world without petty rules.

    It has been wonderful to see so many new ones leave the ranks of the JWs and find a way to freedom. And they have been welcomed, their questions answered or they have been directed to places for more information.

    JWD has been a home for so many of us over the years. The changes to JWD have some worried, not only about where they will go but where so many new ones who are leaving or are contemplarting leaving the WTS will go to get the support they need.

    Hopefully JWN will fill that need. I know I am looking forward to it. And already have a couple of people waiting in the wings for the grand opening.

    Love and best wishes to all of you regardless of where you go


  • FlyingHighNow

    Thank you, Lady Lee. Thank you for being the encouraging caring person that you are. May you have a wonderful holiday season and new year.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Lee,

    There are not words to thank you for your professional and compassionate contribution to JWD.
    The insight you possess as to what's really eating a victim of abuse can't be taught. You've been
    to Hell personally and struggled back valiantly in order to help your fellowman. Thank you!

    You surely have made a difference here, but you would be the first to acknowledge what others
    have likewise done ...

    Well, you already have!

    Blessings and peace,


  • BabaYaga

    Aw, jeez, Lady Lee! You have me waterin' up and snifflin'. Thank you so much, I couldn't agree more, and more of the glorious same back to you, my Dear.


  • bronzefist

    Well written LL.......Love and Peace....brzfst

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I found Lady Lee to be like our "Queen Elizabeth" thanks for the Christmas speach Maam!

  • quietlyleaving

    thanks Lady Lee

    And already have a couple of people waiting in the wings for the grand opening.

    we'll be here to welcome them

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Thank you Lady Lee, one of the reasons I come to this site is to reassure myself I did the right thing. Your posts and stories always calmly reassure me. Thanks!

  • lawrence

    Merry Xmas, and a very blessed New Year!

  • IronClaw

    Wonderfully stated. Yes this board was there when I needed it. I hope JWN and all of us can be there for the uknown thousands yet to come out.

    Have a Happy Holiday season.



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