How long will it be before JW's start beating each other up - Study Night

by jambon1 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    I wonder how long into the new year it will be when the witnesses start to hammer each other in relation to the new 'family study night' arrangement. Can you imagine it? "Oooh, I hear that Bro & Sis Slack-the-hand are regularly out & about on a Tuesday night. Obviously not having their family study night like the rest of us!" Can't wait for the bitching & point scoring to start! It's a certainty.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    More finger pointing!

  • Honesty

    About 20 years ago I was out and about with 2 other JW's.

    We happened to see another brother at his barn feeding his horses.

    One of the brothers said, "Why isn't he at the Book Study?"

    Then it hit him that we weren't at the damn thing either.

    We were out and about.... Goofing off.

    And the brother at his barn... he was taking care of his resposibilities.

    If they were critical of one another 20 years ago just think how they'll be now.

  • poppers

    Just think of it as a new chapter in the book The Bent World of Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • blondie

    Actually, they don't have to have it on Tuesday night. Why not Monday, or the other 2 weeknights, or 2 weekend nights. It will be almost impossible to track what is going on at home privately unless they interrogate the parents and children. Families have lied about having a family study for years. What would be different now. The WTS only had the bible study slips to track whether families had a weekly study, and I understand that those slips are no longer turned in.

    There will be jammering from the platform but many if not most will just turn a deaf ear.


  • oompa
    Blondie: It will be almost impossible to track what is going on at home privately unless they interrogate the parents and children.

    And you are right about most prob easily lying about having one if need be....but i really doubt the elders will give a flip or even be curious.......very few elders really put ANY effort into what type of spiritual things are going on with the flock......they dont do sheperding calls...they dont do the annual call on the df and faded ones......they pretty much put all their effort into finding wrongdoing of any sort...esp they either kick them out....or threaten scare the entire family into submission....and backt to the hall more....and bet the elders expect bigger contributions from the poor family...............................oompa

  • WTWizard

    They will start making assumptions. The families with TVs will be presumed to be watching TV instead of doing the study. Those with computers will be presumed to be browsing the Internet (and those evil apostate web sites) instead of having a proper "study". The beatings will be on the platform, assuming that most of the witlesses are cruising the town or browsing the Internet instead of studying those washtowels and practicing field circus.

  • lawrence

    I saw Elder Blowjoe at Mack's Tavern - how could he have been studying with his family, especially since his wife was dancing on a table?

  • chickpea

    as WTWizard calls them, the "beatings" will commence
    and speaking from personal experience, it will be a driving
    force for people to just walk away.... especially in light of
    the critical economic situation....

    i doubt seriously anyone in their right mind
    is going to decline an employment opportunity
    if it falls on a meeting night, let alone an supposed
    "family study night".....

    cant ya hear it....
    all those seeds of faith that have fallen
    on shallow and rocky ground are about
    to be exposed ... the decline of
    the b0g's body count.....

  • SnakesInTheTower

    an elderly sister called me yesterday...we talked for an hour... she knows I dont go anymore...

    she was telling me about all the new "arrangements" for field service.... how Brother so-and-so (usually a MS) and another Brother (either MS or upandcomingyoungbrother) was the "Assistant" at homes all over the territory. I must be kidding?

    Then she said that their TMS/SM/CBS combo meeting was being moved from the traditional Thursday night to Tuesday night.... (thus freeing the R&F from Wed through Sat of the mindnumbing spiritual feasts )... I can see the KHs that only house one congo doing that..having Sunday/tuesday meetings...

    no one but the most loony are going to be having the Family Night Study...and they are already doing it.

    Snakes ()


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