my rewards

by Dogpatch 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    I thank all of you very much!
    Happy holidays.
    love and peace,

  • Monica

    I'd just like to express my appreciation as well! Your site was one of the first I allowed myself to look at and it educated me enough to never want to return. Your site helped me get past guilt I was feeling and a lot of anxieties. THANK YOU!!!!!

  • Mulan

    Me too, Randy. I found the H2O site, through your site, and then this one. It helped me through a bad time, and I've sent scores of people to your site, and this one too.

    And, more importantly, you put up my cousin, Sharon Kennedy's story on your site, and she got dozens of emails, to keep her happy and busy answering, during the last months of her life. It was great support for her. Now, I get those emails. Just last night I got one from the son of some old friends of theirs, who is now looking at the WTS, and all of it's nonsense, for the first time, and thanked us for posting this story.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • Gopher


    This is an overdue "thank you". Your site was the first one I went to, since a newspaper article about the WTS re-organization of late 2000/early 2001 contained a link directly to your freeminds site! After reading your site, I got the nerve to read Crisis of Conscience, and on your site I found the link to this discussion board, which has become my "good association". Thank you thank you thank you.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Pathofthorns

    Thank you to you and all who have worked tirelessly to educate and free people from this cult. I don't think there is any greater satisfaction than giving people back their lives. Such a small note on a scrap of paper, but such a great reward.


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