How sad it is that JW will never know that God loves them.
by is there help out there 8 Replies latest jw friends
And, whose fault is that?
a) Their own
b) The gb's
c) The bible's
d) God's
S -
darth frosty
OK. Not knowing what you were going to say, I have to say I agree with the premise of the subject matter. I think if you ask any JW if they feel that god truly loves THEM as a person? The majority of the answers would be a NO. The way the cult is organized you are always trying to satisfy a master who considers you a good for nothing slave. Just my .02.
Believing something to be true does not make it true for everyone.
is there help out there
About a year ago I took 28 x JW girl to here first church service and word got out to the Paster that she was a JW. At the end of the service as we were leaving the paster pulled the aside and said to her that God always loved her and that today he has some spical for her and gave her a himnel book. At that point she broke down and cried. In the car she told all she ever wanted to know is that God lover no matter how much of the JW crap she read or how many meeting she went to etc. We all want our parents approvel and God is our creator and father at that point she know that God was proud of her. JW know that the only way God will love them is to go to all the meetings, go door to door,etc.. How sad it is for them to spend there hole liver worring if they are good enought for Gods love. Merry Cristmas and Happy new year from the cookie monster. My new year reserlation is to learn how to spell.
My new year reserlation is to learn how to spell.
Good luck with that.
Merry Christmass, Cookie monster!
Jeremy C
Many Witnesses do indeed feel loved by Jehovah. I know that for a fact. The question is not whether they are loved by God or not. The question that they feel they must continually answer is how to remain in an "approved state" with God.
Their Jehovah God concept is quite skewed, to be sure. One must perform an endless laundry list of organizational tasks in order to receive approval. Jehovah's Witnesses believe in a God who - despite loving them; can still take their life at Armageddon. Their God is one who is beholden more to His internal sense of "justice" than he is to His love for people. In a sense, Jehovah is limited. He is not omnipotent, but is actually governed by a standard of justice - much like a Judge who does not want to send a deffendant to the gas chamber, but knows that he has no choice.
Now, this is where many JWs have difficulty in feeling love. Many do not necessarily enjoy organizational activities. They mave have difficulty in maintaining organizational rigurs. So, they lack Godly approval. Many of us JWs grew up equating approval with love. In order to gain our parents love, we must have their approval. If one is lacking; so is the other.
I believe that people who are born and raised as JWs have a tendancy to project their own parents' characteristics upon Jehovah. If their JW parents were difficult to please (and so many of them are), then the Heavenly Father is difficult to please.
Jehovah's Witnesses also project the characteristics of the organizational administration upon Jehovah. The Watchtower leadership is very difficult to please. Since the organization and Jehovah are virtually indistinguishable from each other, Jehovah becomes a God who is very difficult to please.
I believe that Jehovah is more or less a cartoon character who has evolved over the last century, much like the way in which the appearance of Mickey Mouse has evolved since his creation. Jehovah is basically a projection of the personalities of the Watchtower leadership at any given point in time.
Feeling Gods love is kind of like deciding to be happy, or deciding to have a good day.
We make the world we live in up in our heads.
So I wouldnt bring myself down or feel sad about what I thought someone else may be feeling.