I'm a 32 year old women and my aunt have me panties: pink, blue, and 1 with lil flowers. There are lil girl panties. . . It made me smile, no matter how old I get, my family still see me as a little girl :)
I got panties
by LouBelle 43 Replies latest jw friends
I bet they are just as precious as you are.
pic please
wha happened?
Funny how family is. No matter how old we get, we are still children to the older relatives.
I have one older sister and one younger. Funny how the nieces and nephew are the same. (From oldest to youngest Jasmine, Steven, Mia). One day my sister was complaining about our parents treating her like a child, (She was 32 at the time). I pointed to our nieces and nephew who were fast asleep on the couch. I said, "This is what Mom and Dad see when they invite us over. We're still the little children to them."
Even at 44 my Mom will always ask when I leave if I need anything. As if I was completely unable to care for myself. I suppose when I grow old I will do the same -
pic please
I don't care who you are...that was funny lisa
Wac: do I have to be in them :)
Dear Loubelle,
I've always wondered, is it you on your profile pic?
Yup Newborn that is me. I aint got nothing to hide. Not the most gorgeous person in the world, but what I may lack on the outside is more than made up on the inner :)
Dear sister,
I think you're beautiful
Loubelle is our JWD hottie!