Sparkplug, you deserve more, stop feeling sorry for him..
I have a hard time understanding why some mothers think that the "Baby's Daddy" is being generous if they throw them a little kindness or bucks their way occasionally.
Go to court now that you know where he is..let them slap a court order on him for not paying all those years..let him spend some time in jail if he doesn't pay...why would anyone want to "Be nice" to someone that neglets their kid and the woman they got pregnant in the first place.. ...I don't get it....
Don't kid yourself...he was out having a good old time while you were wondering where the next months rent was coming from..make him work for your respect..I wonder what sob story he gave you to make you feel sorry for him..he is playing you think he just stayed at home and worried about neglecting his child and the mother of his child? Nah....why do you think he doesn't have any money?
Snoozy..who thinks anyone that is thinking about getting pregnant should get a marriage license to protect themselves..if they are ready to have a baby, they are ready for a commitement...
Sorry..this just burns my buns...put your kids on here..if they are of age I'll tell them to go after him for back support!...