How common and acceptable (acceptable to the congregation) is it in other countries for JWs to have beards? Which countries?
"To Verdener" (World's Apart) with English subtitles ---- download
by inkling 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
tall penguin
I just finished watching this film and all I can say Watch it. It's accurate and incredibly well done. I cried the whole time.
tall penguin
I think the production was done very well,,I think it is a "must see." It was the Denmark foreign film selection to for Academy Awards for last year but didn't make the final 5 nominations. It is so sad. It shows the struggle for a JW family is so many ways. Heart-rending. Yes, it shows the elder with a beard which is okay for Denmark and I think in one part it shows her wearing pants in service but that is minor. The issues spans time in that family which the film doesn't quite present well sometimes but that is hard to clarify in a film. But the issue of shunning in a JW family is presented very well and hopefully it shows the reality of it to non-JWs to see JW unloving way and how it splits up family. I don't think most JWs would be willing to see it if they hear criticism. about it by other JWs.
I got my copy from
It's a good movie. I think, however, that if you're an unbeliever you understand it best if you first get to study the ways of the WTS.
Gut wrenching for me. Hope many see it.
Open mind
Blockbuster (if they haven't shut down in your neighborhood) has it too.
For some reason my eyes had severe allergic reactions to it as well.
Just watched this film - thanks to Mickey Mouse. Too close to home to be enjoyable but wonderfully crafted and very accurate. The attitude of the elders is perfectly represented. I wish prayers at the end meetings were as short in the UK as the seem to be in Denmark - lol.
I would suggest everyone watches it (preferably with their JW families!!)
O-M-G!!!!!!!! My JW gf just told me she watched the movie last weekend on Sundance. I asked her what she thought and she said it was very well presented, and clearly, the baptism of the children (as we all say on here) is a despicable practice almost setting kids up for failure. I told her there are some clear examples of how things should be done in the Bible, one of them is the example of baptism set by Jesus. Clearly, it was meant to be done at maturity and after life experience, not as a child.
I asked her if she knew of any others who have seen it in her circle, and she said she hadn't asked yet but was going to.
We had a good discussion about it. I am going to send her info on the legal battles surrounding the shunning issue the WTBS is fighting in Europe.
This awesome movie is available for rent at BLOCKBUSTER as an exclusive presentation. It has english subtitles. We all watched it here and it was so moving and powerful a story and covers everything experience JW's have.
Here is the True Sara Dahl : her name is Tabita Brøner : see also her picture