6 month rutine visit by elders?

by cawshun 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    BTW thank u for that tidbit so if I ever get called, (unlikely), I can call them on it if the term "shepherding call" is used and two elders want to visit.

  • Gordy

    My family and I got "shepherding" calls when we didn't need them.

    Then when I did really need them they were nowhere to be seen.

    I recall one sister saying that in the 22 years she had been in the congregation she had never had one visit.

  • cawshun

    When we got to my daughters house they were just leaving. I'm not sure if they were both elders, I know the one man is, not sure about the other. I saw that they had their bible sitting on the table. I didn't ask my daughter why they were there, she said they come by every 6 months like it was a normal thing to do.

    I just keep hoping something will make my kids feel like they are interfering in their lives and make them angry enough to say the HECK with it. I guess its wishful thinking on my part.

    Thanks for all the replys.


  • zions watchman
    zions watchman

    They don't come to my house, they know I would send them walking (with my foot up there ass)

  • treadnh2o

    "A "shepherding call" is usually an elder and MS. Two elders often means an investigation."

    That is not necessarily true. If a few Elders were behind on their time or an MS was not available, you would see two elders.
    If this happens every six months, my guess would be that your daughters family is either irregular at meetings or a low hour publisher.

    The other factor to consider is the timing of the Circuit Overseers visit. I would bet a large amount of money that he is coming within a month.

    Or just left and got reamed.

  • cawshun

    Trend, You may be right, I do know my daughter and sil haven't been out in service to often. I know this because they have been involved in week-end basketball tournaments. They also have some games Mondays (which they would miss the Mon. meeting). They make most of their Sunday meetings though. They don't get out during the week to do FS because of their jobs. The demands on them by the WT are stressful, I just hope they get harrassed about not doing enough and realize its NEVER ENOUGH.

    My daughter did tell me awhile back that they will no longer have the Monday night meeting. She saw it as, they realize how stressed our lives are with our jobs, school, homework. ect.... She felt they were doing a kindness. Talk about blinded by the light.

  • treadnh2o


  • treadnh2o


  • treadnh2o



    The fact they are involved in extra-curricular activities, such as Basketball, is probably a HUGE reason for the shepherding calls.

    This is a big no-no for "God's People".

    There is probably a never ending stream of gossip in the hall about this as well

  • cawshun


    This is another thing I don't understand, how they get away with coaching, both coach, daughter and sil., when I read how some of you had to give up playing sports in school. I guess now its more of a conscience thing. I get upset about it because the parents make the things they like to do a matter of conscience but they adhere to the rules when it comes to my grand-kids attending a school Christmas party or a birthday party.

    I hope the congregation is having problems with them and their career choices. I can tell you they both love their coaching careers. I wish the WT would make them give it up and see how they like making that kind of sacrifice. I think would be a good balance for what they are asking of their children!

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