In which year were publishers allowed to report only 15 minutes?

by jwfacts 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AllTimeJeff
    I take that to mean that even if they only do 15 min in the entire month they can still submit a report. This helps account for the spike in publishers in the 2002 serive year.

    Yes, that is correct.

    This was after my wife had our first child. He said our new arrival qualified as a special circumstance, and we could submit 15 minutes.

    So, the moral of this story is there are plenty of 15-minute per hour publishers that have zero time.

    Yeah, a lot of elders messed up on that. I am sure that went on. But officially from the borg, it was for infirm shut ins.... Pregnant sisters did count for that.

    As with all rules of the borg, they could get twisty on occasion. If elders wanted you to count as regular, (esp the Secretary's) I am sure it was as much for their good in making the numbers look good for the CO then anything. I am sure there were many 10 hour publishers with 15 minutes total.

  • leavingwt


    I'm sure you're right. The Secretary was using a "unique interpretation" of the instructions from Mother. Similar to the way the Society uses nothing more than a unique interpretation of Scripture to run the organization.

    They can twist anything, for sure.


  • GermanXJW

    Should show an increase in publishers and a decrease in avg. hours.

  • WTWizard

    Well, that explains why the hours were up. If you do 15 minutes of field circus, they report it as part of a whole hour. And that means 45 minutes of it are fake.

    I haven't even put in 15 seconds of field circus since after June 2005. And they had better not have put in a fake time slip in my behalf, either--I do not want the credit for destroying value and helping ruin people's lives.

  • booby

    Something else to consider is that this was not so much to get more hours for the borg as it was to NOT cause the older ones to become depressed that they were no longer "one of Jehovah's witnesses". The facts show that it is not dedication, it is not baptism, nor is it anything other than an active publishers record card in the congo files that constitutes one as having jehovah's favor, as making one a witness of jehovah. As a result if an older one was not able to get at least an hour for the month after six months they were inactlive, and as such felt they had lost their status. The reason they felt that way of course is the way the system in the org treated them over the years, Everything about the person in the truf is measured against their performance in the ministry. You could spend many hours helping in the congregation, perhaps helping some of the elderly, visiting them etc., or doing other good deeds, but fail to hand in a report and remain an active publisher, you quickly become viewed in a negative way and it is obvious enough that you feel it. Trust me, I've bin there.

  • blondie

    The elders were told that only infirm or older jws were to be allowed to turn in 15 minutes and that the service committee would decide who qualified. If elders are doing it to pack the numbers, they are doing it unofficially. Remember, the CO checks the congregation's numbers and judges the elders by it.

    *** km 3/03 pp. 4-5 par. 14 Be Zealous for What Is Good! ***Are there infirm publishers in your book study group who have great difficulty sharing in the ministry? If some are in residential care facilities or are confined to their homes, it is understandable that their opportunities to witness will be limited. But by taking advantage of their limited opportunities to let their light shine, they may move those who see their fine works to take a real interest in the truth. (Matt. 5:16) Book study overseers should be sure that such ones know that they can report field service activity in increments of 15 minutes. Being able to report the time they spend witnessing encourages these faithful publishers, and it brings them joyful satisfaction. It also helps to ensure that the worldwide report of the activities of God’s people is accurate.

    *** km 3/02 p. 5 par. 6 "Gifts in Men" Eagerly Shepherd God’s Flock ***Valuing the Infirm: Loving undershepherds are also concerned about those who could be overlooked. Associated with every congregation are some who are infirm, confined to nursing homes, or otherwise incapacitated. Their share in proclaiming the Kingdom message is understandably limited because of their circumstances. Perhaps their opportunity to speak out may come only through contacts with visitors, other patients, or caregivers. Nevertheless, whatever they are able to do is viewed as a valuable contribution to the overall preaching work. (Matt. 25:15) Even if they witness for just 15 minutes, this should be reported, and they will continue to be counted as regular Kingdom publishers.
  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    It's important that statistics are kept up. After all, Jehovah is keeping a count.

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