According to the Feb 2009 Kingdumb Misery, this is the title of the new hounder-hounder talks for public talks starting March 1. Now, I can only imagine worldly fantasies include having a family, a reasonable measure of health and security, and being able to live a decent life. Kingdumb reality means throwing your life away out in field circus, attending boasting sessions, dutifully studying Washtowel publications every Tuesday all evening, and dying stagnant and having produced zero value in your own life.
Reject Worldly Fantasies, Pursue Kingdumb Realities?
by WTWizard 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
White Dove
ditto that.
One of my last meetings I went to, the C.O. was up there telling all the young ones how they should make the WT their career.
I remember thinking, "Here I did that for 10 years - all through my 20's me and my wife pioneered. And first sign of trouble - everyone scatters."
You know... now that I'm away from the WT, Ihave a few friends now that are devout Christians.
It's amazing how many of them are incredibly balanced in their lives are.
Many keep amazingly high moral standards - but at the same time, they have real lives with real careers. Doctors, Lawyers, Musicians.
They also spend many years developing talents. Singing, playing musical instruments. Arts.
On top of that, they are constantly preaching as well.
It's crazy.
It seems that the WT is bent on creating this illusion that you can't have a fullfilling life outside their organization.
The WT Society needs people with empty minds and empty lives to be their slaves.
If they had good jobs, good interests, strong minds, they would be inefficient slaves for the WT's ultimate goal of control and manipulation.
I look at my relatives who would all who are still JWs, ask how high to jump if asked to jump and realise that there is very little thought process going on in their minds that has not been put there by the WT and those that still have sparks from neurons that suspect that something is not quite right in the WT World, suffer from stress induced illnesses.
The WT is far more destructive than we ever give it credit for, and its purpose in control might be even more malignant than many a mind would even dare to admit.
Now WHICH Kingdumb Realities does WTWIzz mean?
The realities that were sooooo true they all had to be changed?
Which worldly fantasies does he mean?
The fantasy that you can get married and have kids? If you work hard and look to the future with a certain amount of faith you can be truly happy without the Crappola of the Witchtower Babble and Trash Soc INC?
This is another example of how they turn things on their head and hope you won't notice.
Calling LIES reality don't work - not here in the REAL world.
Which worldly fantasies does he mean?
I can well imagine that they are going to point to the bankrupt economy and say...see? It's just as well that you did not buy into the american dream and worry about a career and put your money into 401K for old age...because LOOK! Jehober has torn it down just like he said he would.
Now aren't you glad you invested in the Kingdom work instead? Your reward is coming. These other people have had their reward and its over. All the money they saved is gone anyway. Corrupt ceo's have either embezzled the workers pensions or invested it in scams that fell through. The money will not be there to collect it. It was all an illusion.
Now you can see that jehovers word is true. Those who "served' money are sunk. Aren't you glad you have served the kingdom interests instead?
You have already learned how to live without much money so you are ahead of the game! Isn't jehover wonderful for giving you these lessons of poverty and humility?
You know... now that I'm away from the WT, Ihave a few friends now that are devout Christians.
It's amazing how many of them are incredibly balanced in their lives are.
Many keep amazingly high moral standards - but at the same time, they have real lives with real careers. Doctors, Lawyers, Musicians.
Same here. I think about many of my friends that have chosen not to have children (its not to late for some). I wonder what will happen to them when they get older. It has been very eye-opening to me to meet so many non-witnesses that have high moral standards. Most are not the sex-crazed, drug-taken, alcoholic, pill-popping maniacs we are taught to believe they are. I know many pioneers that are now entering thier 40's that have no health insurance and no retirement and work low-paying jobs to make ends meet. Nothing wrong with that, but what happens when they turn 60, 70, or 80. They will be like so many older JWs I know that still have to work and rely on others in the congo to help them make ends meet.
Its all about balance and the JWs are NOT balanced, among other things.
They have it exactly reversed.
It should be:
"Persue Worldly Realities, Reject Watchtower Fantasies"
I few years ago, in a talk about end times, the preacher at our church said (this is a near exact quote because it stuck in my mind) "I believe that we are in the last days, that Jesus could return in our life times. NOW don't go running out of here to sell your life insurance or quit your job. We still have an obligation to live prudently and care for our families."
The watchtower has set up a false dichotomy, it is very possible to live a normal life AND be faithful to God's word. On second thought I will go beyond that, the Watchtower lifestyle is contrary to many Bible principles. A good Christian MUST take care of himself and his family, he MUST be a productive member of society, he should conduct his affairs in way that is exemplary to everyone around him.
This is why the TMS/SM are the least attended meetings (well until next week)............sales, sales , sales.
Do more, give more....MORE MORE MORE MORE !!!!
That old PO was a salesman in his secular life....... so the pressure was awful.