Either I warrant your respect or I don't.
You don't, because you must give respect to get it and you have not given it. People like you sound no different than religious fundamentalists, just on the other side of the argument. Utter intolerance of divergent opinions, and I do not respect that under any guise.
Like I said we start from different premises , the questions are: What is the nature of knowledge? How do we gain knowledge? How do we recognize the difference between what is true and what is false?
The primary difference between you and me appears to be the response to these questions. My response reveals an underlying assumption that faith is a valid starting point for the acquisition of knowledge along with reason; while you reject faith as a starting point in favor of reason alone. The thing is, at least I am consistent and have my eyes open--you are not and do not. You accept a whole lot of truths on faith whether you know it or not, but are too intellectually dishonest or just plain muddle headed to recognize it. You must start on some first principles, premises, axioms, etc, which cannot be scientifically proven, but are the underlying philosophical assumptions that science and your own assumptions about reality itself rest on. But you certainly do talk like you have all the answers, don't you?