Reaching Perfection: WIll God Ever Be Satisfied With Us?

by cameo-d 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    .....or will he just keep combing Barbie's hair till it falls out?

    Does God appreciate diversity?

  • truthsetsonefree

    Not if its the WT god!


  • cameo-d


  • Gill


    An insatiable, homicidal maniac can never be satisfied. In fact, if you were perfect, he'd be even angrier and more vengeful!

    This is the way of the Watchtower God! Kill, Destroy, Punish, Torture, Annihalate....and that's on a good day.

    Personally, I choose to ignore him! The results are potentially the same either way!

  • Number1Anarchist

    Maybe we're supposed to be like Job and be tormented and tortured with boils, have our families get killed or abandon us have everything stolen and still have a smile on our face and not curse God. Maybe once through it all not blame God and hopefully be rewarded like Job in the future. Nice dream if it was true.

  • Robdar

    God does not expect us to be perfect. You've been misled.

  • cameo-d
    Robdar: God does not expect us to be perfect.

    According to the JWs attaining perfection is the very goal of the new system and a very fundamental teaching.

  • Robdar
    According to the JWs attaining perfection is the very goal of the new system and a very fundamental teaching.

    But you are not a JW and never have been. Or, so you say.

    Friend, if you free your mind, your ass will follow.

  • BurnTheShips
    Does God appreciate diversity?

    Look around at the world.


  • mouthy

    Maybe we're supposed to be like Job and be tormented and tortured with boils, have our families get killed or abandon us have everything stolen and still have a smile on our face and not curse God. Maybe once through it all not blame God and hopefully be rewarded like Job in the future. Nice dream if it was true. Funny you should say that my friend. You see I've had the boils( RA) my kids died,(3 of them) my daughter & grandkid was stolen( by the WT) & I still have a smile on my face & will not curse God although I am not afraid to die. Call it a dream if you wish, but I believe the PROMISE of MY GOD>>>>,Jesus Christ,the Father, & the Holy Spirit is true. Of course I cant prove it, I just know I have that faith... so when you pitch the rocks, please try to avoid my glasses ,because it is only when I havent got them I am blind, You may say "but your blind anyway Grace" but remember I AM UNDESERVED KINDNESS to tell you my hope Oh I forgot it is the Watchtower that calls me that OOPS!!!

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