WSJ - Front Page - Predict End of USA by 2010 - Garbage...

by Confucious 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I had a witness friend tell me the other day that this is the recession/depression that the world will not get out of. She never elaborated and I didn't ask why as she was leaving at the time.

    I wondered if the witnesses were teaching that this is the end again?

    I don't think I will still be here when the US really collapses. The man in the article is foolish to make silly predictions. There is always one out there though.

  • undercover
    I had a witness friend tell me the other day that this is the recession/depression that the world will not get out of.

    ...and in 1984 the Society put out a Watchtower with the cover article "The Generation That Will Not Pass Away"...

  • Gill

    The USA is already a divided nation. One little push and you'll need passports to pass from one state to another.

    When you no longer stand United, which you DO NOT, already, you've had it sooner or later.

    IF not 2010, then eventually the USA will just be a collection of states on one continent such as Africa, Europe and everywhere else.

    Perhaps we need less American troops killing and abusing people around the world and the world may be a little bit more peaceful, even if not that much more peaceful.

    Karma is an inevitable force of physics. The USA and the UK are finished as strong countries.

    We prepare to be pooped on by the rest of the world, in the same way that we (UK and USA) have pooped on the rest of the world.

    Just Karma. Don't stress it!!

  • undercover

    I don't have the references handy but I read that the founding fathers didn't envision the united States of America to remain as one nation. They figured it would break up into four or five nations.

    I also read that before the War Between the States, the North and South were already different enough to be seperate nations. There was enough difference in the cultures of the North and the South along with the politics and geographies of the areas that the two could have become seperate independant nations...allies in most things, but yet seperate in the areas that mattered most to their respective peoples. It was suggested that had the two nations gone their way without a civil war, it could have strengthened both nations in the long run instead of having a war that drained the North and decimated the South. From that could have come seperate nations in the Texas/Indian Nations and California areas for sure with possibly others down the line.

  • ninja

    world government is already here....we just haven't been fully told yet

  • truthsetsonefree

    I sa that. Good, let this mook be on the front page. Then the false prophet will look that much more foolish when his prediction fails.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    People will write garbage to draw attention to themselves quite often and their statements will more than not carry any rational logic.

    Look what the JWS have done for more than a hundred years and its worked beautifully for them, hasn't ?

  • stillajwexelder

    9/11 united America - it only needs another one

  • Confucious

    It's very simple.

    One year from now. I will pull up this thread and we will see.

    You will see that America is fine.

    Can we agree? Can we all agree that we will pull up this thread a year from now?

    What is going on in America right now is a correction.

    Poor people were living like the Middle Class.

    The Middle Class was living like the Rich.

    The Rich were living like Millionaires.

    Millionaires living like Billionaires.

    Everything is not fine. There are certain challenges.

    America is going no where anytime fast.

    How about this... loser pulls this thread out one year from now.


  • lalliv01
    I think the US will annex Canada AND Mexico before the end comes!

    That's a good one but do you know who would constitute the majority of voters in the new nation, Canemerexico? I believe trouble is coming because China needs to provide 20 million new jobs every year in order to keep it's ever growing workforce employed. To do this they must maintain double digit economic growth, which they can,t. Even now they are

    having job related riots over there. We need China to flourish so we may flourish here in the USA but it looks grim. I wish I

    knew what to do or how to prepare for this downturn, I don't.

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