I liked Thursday night meetings because the speakers changed over so many times in one night, and they had skits. It was the Sunday meeting that I hated with every fiber of my being. There were only 2 speakers. I didn't mind the public talk, but hated the looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwn oooooouuutttttt Watchtower study, p a r a g r a p h b y p a r a g r a p h..................The WT material went way over my head for a lot longer than the other talks did as I grew up. I never got over the boredom of sitting there ticking off the paragraphs o n e b y o n e..............................*shudder*
Meetings: Are They Morons?
by metatron 35 Replies latest jw friends
I quit!
We used to miss Red Dwarf ... damn, I hated when everyone was still there talking till late !
I think that would have hastened my exit from the Watchtower.
Missing "Red Dwarf" trumps missing "The Waltons" big time. That is a cruel and unusual sacrifice indeed.
I remember the intermissions! I remember when they ended, too. It was weird, and I missed them. Intermission felt (to a kid) just like lunch break at the assemblies. You got to stand up and walk around and talk to your friends! We were little cliques of tweenagers, as I remember. I would always sit back down for the Wt. study feeling refreshed enough to sit through another hour. When the intermissions went away, sure the meetings got shorter, but in a way they felt longer.
These ivory tower goons don't realize that a weekly meeting that ends at 8:45 or later ( in congregations I know ) is too late for many children because they have to study and do homework and, often, get up before dawn to catch the school bus.
Any weeknight meeting is a burden on kids and families, period. A longer one instead of two is worse. I rejoice in anything that makes young Witnesses hate the meetings even more as this will lower attendance and break the zombie-like spell they have on these poor drones.
This was the big reason why I left when I did. I had a ten year old. There is no question that even when they make things "less burdensome" they are still extremely burdensome. Morons is almost too nice a term for them. It gives them too much credit.
The Thursday night boasting session is not supposed to be longer now. However, it is more likely that some of the parts will run long (especially the book studies), and that could result in an extra 15 minutes or more tacked onto the end of the boasting sessions. Which will cause children to flunk those tests that are commonly held on Friday.
By the way, the REJECT Jesus Party is on Thursday this year. And, if they have three or more congregations meeting in one Kingdumb Hell, it is possible for many children to get home as late as midnight--on the most popular evening for unit tests in the marking period (it is the end of the third quarter for many).