Why don't chicken eggs taste like chicken??

by Quirky1 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • watson

    In the Philippines, they do.

  • Nowman

    The other day while I was eating chicken for dinner, I asked my hubby, "how come they don't make all white meat chicken"? After that question came out, it reminded me of Jessica Simpson asking why they call it "Chicken by the Sea", when its tuna"?

    Yet, I did really wonder why chicken can't just be all white meat, the dark meat grosses me out!

    LOL**thought my question went along the same lines as this topic


  • watson

    Nowman, I think you question is much less "Quirky."

  • Nowman


    Thought I would show that I had Quirkyness too.

    I should start a thread, "why doesn't chicken come in all white meat"?


  • jaguarbass

    It has to do with the rate of vibrations of the protein.

    It's a different form of protein.

    The sequence of amino accids and peptide bonds.

    a chicken egg is not chicken meat.

    An apple doesnt taste like wood, it comes from a tree.

    Many meats that are not chicken taste like chicken. Because chicken is protein meat.

    But when its in liquid form, its vibrating at a different speed,

    I'm going to guess an egg has a different sequence of amino accids and peptide bonds.

    Different chemical make up makes for different taste.

    When your saliva begings to break it down.

  • ballistic

    If god didn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?

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