I ordered myself the Koran...

by digderidoo 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • digderidoo

    I have always wondered what exactly is in the Koran, apparently it's written in poetry.

    Obviously there is a lot of negativity towards the Koran from the west, yet many practices that are condemned are not found in the Koran, for example women wearing the hijab.

    So now that we can read what we want without being told what we can and can't have in our library i thought i'd order a few books. I just received the gnostic gospels, i have ordered some buddhist transcripts, the book of mormon and the Koran from Amazon.

    ....and why not??? :-)


  • oompa

    I made hand wrote my own copy of the Koran.....used 8 boxes of Crayons.............oompa

  • stillajwexelder

    I have two copies - one in pure Arabic which I can not read nd one English Translation

  • ballistic

    I ordered the dictionary. It had a great vocabulary but I kept loosing the story line... ;)

  • Satanus

    Why not? My dad wouldn't allow me to read comic books. So, i'm going to read some.


  • jaguarbass

    Why not?

    Good for you.

    I read all kinds of things.

    I did notice when I read the bible I became a Christian, that lasted for about 10 years till I woke up.

    Then when I read David Icke and other conspiracy books I became a conspiratorialist.

    I'm afraid of what might happen if I read the koran.

    I think I will read an anatomy book maybe I will become a nurse.

    I think that pays better than being an muslem, or a conspiratorialist.

  • Satanus

    Seriously though, good idea.


  • garybuss

    I read the Qur'an and The Book Of The Dead. I skimmed the Book of Mormon, but it didn't fascinate me. Doctrine and Covenants did. That I read and enjoyed. Mostly I enjoyed the work of William Miller and I spend days reading the work of Ellen G White. In those I saw the not too abstract blueprint for Watch Tower policies.

    It's always interesting to study the psychology of a follower who cherishes that which the inventor denies.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Just so you know, according to true Islam, Engish doesn't count. They will tell you that, you haven't read the Koran until you've read it in Arabic

    As for the Book of Mormon, drinking lots of coffey may be required

  • BurnTheShips

    I've had a copy for years, translated by M.H. Shakir. I've read a large part of it. I remember curiously wandering the religion section of the local community college and reading parts of it in grade school during my free time. At the time it fascinated me that it spoke of Musa (Moses) and Isa (Jesus). I also took careful note the Ishmael was also one of Abraham's sons. At the time I thought it was a noble unitarian faith, much like what I belonged to as a JW. This mental idea of Islam generally being tolerant carried well into my 20's, and was also a product of my public school education: my textbook tried hard to note that Islam considered Jews and Christians to be "People of the Book". Unfortunately, a liberal public school education will tend to only mention the unsavory aspects of Christian and Western history, and not the that of others, but I digress.

    I still think the less fundamentalist sects, like the Sufis, have a great deal of good to recommend them. Islam itself, like nearly everything in this world, is not all bad. I bought a copy as an adult during my last few years in the JWs when I wanted to see what the life was like on the Outside and I endeavored to read at least most of it. Tough going, at least for me. They say that in Arabic a large part of it is literally gibberish. I think it is Ibn Warraq that says about one-fifth of it is unintelligible. Since I can't read Arabic, I can't say for sure.



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