Americans, me included, are selfish and we value privacy and comfort. We had some of the heartside folks come in and explain this to our church. You don't see hispanic and asian homeless people because they value their family members and friends more than comfort and privacy.
Why don't we ever see baby pigeons or oriental homeless people?
by UnConfused 32 Replies latest jw friends
Scarred for life
I saw LOTS of Hispanic homeless and one Asian homeless man on Christmas Eve morning in downtown Atlanta. I served them all a hot breakfast.
Up here where it is ice cold, hispanic families take care of their own. I lived near Atlanta much of my life. The hispanic population has really grown. Still, most homeless people are white or black. One Asian homeless person? One? You make my point.
I've seen a lot of homeless Asians in Toronto. Some were of Russian descent, some East Indian, some Chinese, and some Arabic.
If the word Oriental is so offensive, then how are you to distinguish between those living in the orient (china,japan,korea) and those living in Iraq? Is there a term for people who come from the orient?
Arabs are Asian, some of the baltic states are considered in Asia, heck even Russia is in Asia. The term " Asian" is just too non-specific. -
Political correctness aside, Asians are notably resilient and self-directed (along with Jews). Something in their history has made them this way and we could analyze this to death, but the facts remain the same. Two cultures who represent the other end of the spectrum are Afro-Americans and Mexican-Americans. Why? Volumes have been written - and are worthy of scrutiny. I suspect is it is not biological, but cultural. But, again - WHY?
I see some Asians in jail.
I dont think they own homes and they like to steal and commit crimes.
I cant say they live under a bridge, but they do spend a lot of time in jail.
And they tell me they are the black sheep, outcast of their familes.
I think they are probaly manipulative enough or bully enough to find shelter with other asians.
But I'm pretty sure all asians are not hard working. Because I know some who would rather steal than work.
Of the 50,000+ inmates I have seen come through my jail, I have only seen 1 or 2 Asians.
Junction Guy. We have a big Asian community in St. Petersburg.
We always have a couple of Asians, They are usually gang members.
My son married an Asian girl from Thailand and they have a cousin that the entire family avoids because he is a criminal.
Asian gangs are bad in St. Pete.
The Asians like the hot wheather of Florida, its like Vietnam, Thailand.
Maybe you dont get that many Asains up north.
You can go down US 19 and see miles of Asian stores and shops.
Sorry, it has been awhile since I lived in Florida, I almost forgot what it was like.