This new comedy duo is starting to get more air play around and I think they're pretty good, check them out, they get the Homey stamp of approval
The Crazy Comedy of Little Britain
by Homerovah the Almighty 16 Replies latest jw friends
Monty Python was crazy back in the 1960s
I checked this out at the library. Crazy funny. I loved it.
It's been around for a while. A few years.
You Canucks are pretty funny though, I've got episodes of Trailer Park Boys around here somewhere.
Oh dear
The thing about great comedy is that is real life exaggerated - e.g. the Simpsons.
I kid you not we used to have someone like Andy in our congregation. He used to come to the KH in a wheelchair wearing a neck brace but I once popped round his house and found him winching the engine out of his 4x4!
Homerovah the Almighty
Here's some more that I thought would offer a chuckle or two