Will JWD cease to exist? Will the site still be viewable??
My First Post
by Farkel 26 Replies latest jw friends
My first test post from JWN. Will we be notified of a date and time when JWD will only be viewable?
I must have missed something. Where is the new forum? Ken P.
The new site is at: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/
i.e. it's .net instead of .com
Will JWD cease to exist? Will the site still be viewable??
Will we be notified of a date and time when JWD will only be viewable?
Hey, I'll give everyone at least 5 minutes warning, LOL
My current plan is that once I finish adding the features we need in order to start using it live (and fixing all the accounts / sign-in) then I'll flick the switch and put a redirect in place so that all the JWD links automatically redirect to the corresponding topics on JWN.
So, JWD as-is probably won't still be viewable but the same URLs will still work and take you to the same topics on JWN
mercy buttercups
doh, I posted the wrong link ... it's: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/
I get Internal Server Error
Am I banned already??
Am I banned already??
LOL....it's called "pre-emptive strike"
testing, 1 2 4.....if this were an actual emergency.......this message will self destruct in 3 2 1.............
Trying again