IF, and it is a big IF, simply because so many small eruptions are always taking place and so in some ways Yellowstone is always relieving pressure by letting of some steam, but if it goes, we are in Major trouble.
Not only is the USA GONE, as it exists now, but the whole world will suffer because of the cooling caused by the volcanic dust in the atmosphere. We already are getting purple sunsets from other active volcanos and the sun has NO SUN SPOT activity of any consequence for the last couple of years.
So, it could be interesting to watch this one.
I don't think you're a doom monger, Witness, as Yellowstone finally 'blowing its top' again, has been inevitable sooner or later.
I don't know whether it makes any difference, but I suspect it DOES, but the Earth has lost 60% of its magnetic field and this tends as noted by NASA in 2002 and this tends to cause more earthquakes and volcanic activity.
The planet is to be affected by movement in the galaxy of other planets which exert pull on our already depleted magnetic strength and so........Pole Shift is another possibility that is NOT unheard of and is proven in the geological record.
Should Pole Shift happen........then to be honest, being amongst the first to go may be a very fortunate ending as survival of such a cataclym would be an horrendous experience.
Whatever is taking place, it is likely that at some point in our planetary past, it has happened before.
Civilisations have come and gone for hundreds of thousands of years and we are no different to any other civilisation that has come before us.