I was cleaning up my room and I found letters from a girl I loved. Although she was leaving in a Scandinavian country she was so warm and cute....but it was my fault that this affair didn't continue. Then I realize that this love was fake. Fake because WT was involved in this story, At that time(early 90's) we were both regular pioneers and serving as part time in our local Bethels. After watching the photos we had(she make me an album putting together all of our photos) and looking back of this love story, questions started to rise:
Does real love exist in the WT world? Was this love based on solid ground? Or did we loved each other because we were pioneers? At the end of the day in the WT is there real love? Or everything is fake, based on a lie, and the standards of the WT that dictates how should you love someone? If I had left WT would she stay by me? Or she loved me as long as I was a JW?
Those questions are flying over my head the last couple of days...I guess there is no real love in the WT world...I know it from my expierience leaving WT that there is no real love...
I want to know what love is, I want you to show me.......