I don't forget anyone I have loved.
You never forget your 1st love. True or false?
by mtsgrad 48 Replies latest jw friends
MTS, please don't ever give up. Life really can turn around for the better. I've been around enough corners to understand this. I don't give up hope that times will get better. Don't you give up on that hope either.
Are you thinking of a love from the past? Any of you? Even if you are still with that first love, I am sure you spend time thinking of your lovely past. This is a song and video for all of us. My first love and husband, he died when he was 34. But I know he's out there somewhere. I have the comfort of knowing that he was head over hills in love with me until the day he died.
I beg to differ in your comments. My life has been one everlasting steaming pile of pooh pooh. I'll spare you the details as they would sicken you.Are you thinking of a love from the past?
I wish.
Any of you? Even if you are still with that first love, I am sure you spend time thinking of your lovely past. This is a song and video for all of us. My first love and husband, he died when he was 34. I cannot understand what it means to have loved and to have truly lost. But I know he's out there somewhere. I have the comfort of knowing that he was head over hills in love with me until the day he died. Your damn right.
Think of you FHN
mtsgrad -
True...but today I'm happy I did not end up with him.
I quit!
True. I still can't get over old what's her name.
I still can't get over old what's her name.
Might not remember her name but boy could she...um...nevermind...
Maybe you need a dose of rebel8 cynicism to get you through.
I am assuming the problem is pining after this person instead of just not forgetting her.
Then think about pining. Why do we do it?
-We have a romanticized view of the person, forgetting negative, remembering positive, and convincing ourselves the future would have been 100% bliss, lust, flower petals falling from the sky all the time, and love songs playing in the background.
-We have an unrealistic view of love and fate. For years after I left the dubbies, I believed there was only one "right" person for each one of us and if the relationship failed, we'd be doomed to be lonely for eternity. This is complete bs. There is more than one person who we can love, be happy with, etc. Therefore there's no reason to be all clingy to someone who doesn't want you. There are many fish in the sea.
Cherish what you had, what you learned from the relationship, and how you grew. But that's it.
:) -
Mickey mouse
It was nice but we were not well matched.
I don't forget anyone I have loved.
Ditto. Never ever.
"And though our separation, it pierced me to the heart
She still lives inside of me, we've never been apart."Dylan - "If you see her say hello"