You are probably right in that we should all get along. However, tribalism is riven deep into the human psyche. It is probably a vey old survival mechanism, and without it the world would be a much blander and boring place. It would be nice if we could just dispense with the negative parts such as war.
Do not worry your heart out, tell me please, do you believe the land belongs to everyone too?
I love Cornwall because of the nature of the fragility of local customs here, it is something I feel passionate about. I feel true to this spirit of place, geniusloci, and it is my home, but like many other places where indigeneous communities survive, the customs are under constant threat. This home represents therefore my identity, nothing less, nothing more.
Every wo/man is as good/bad as the rest, we're all equal in my view.
I promise I will try & not worry too much. Do you believe the land belongs to the Queen? To whom does Wales belong? Prince Charmless? I am not espousing a French Revolution-type slaughter here, but handing the land over to the Govt. is a good start. I'm glad you mentioned it!
I'm also glad you love Cornwall. Someone needs to.