First "Big Meeting" for our hall was tonight

by Iwonder17 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iwonder17

    So we hadour first big meeting tonigh ( Bookstudy, ministry school and service meeting ) Here are my observations:

    1) Even though it is the same amount of time, it seemed verrrrry long

    2) It seemed like a circus.....too many parts that did not relate to the others....seemed like a crossword puzzel with 6 different languages

    3) I'm sure it will get more fluid in time, but the whole meeting was awkward and the elduhs giving the parts kept saying things like, " With the new arrangment, we need to keep our comments short" or "with the new arrangment, we only have time for xxxx"......It just seemed rushed

    4) During the bookstudy I noticed that very few kids were called on. After the meeting I talked with the one conducting the study and he said the the Org gave them instructions on how to handle the meeting, he seemed kind of uncomfortable talking about it. It seemed like he was trying to say, "Yeah, we can't call on too many kids since we don't have a lot of time"

    4b) Talking about the kids, I think this will be very bad for young ones and shy ones since now they will never want to comment

    I just sat back with a smile on my face watching the madness unfold

  • purplesofa


    I really don't think they want comments.

    When I first went to meetings, comments were from peoples own words, with some that did research and they were interesting.

    By the time I left they were sentences read from the paragraphs, very boring.

    If someone gave a researched or heartfelt comment, you could feel the tension in the room, Like they didn't know the "rules"


  • wannaexit

    first "Big Meeting" from my hall too. I found it to be very very rushed.

  • Blueblades

    Elder sometimes would not call on me because I would give answers that they missed. So, they would call on weaker ones and ignore us smarties. They did not want to be outshined by us rank and file members who knew better than them.

    Now, they most certainly will allow only one or two quick answers that are planted before the meeting.


  • freetosee

    Sounds like Fast-Forward-Meetings! If they play the songs FF it will even save them more time! Time left is reduced! Speeding thing up in its own time -fulfilled prophecy! :smile:

  • WTWizard

    Sure sounds like they are cutting parts short on purpose. Fewer comment opportunities means fewer opportunities to give comments that are going to help ruin the congregation.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Now, they most certainly will allow only one or two quick answers that are planted before the meeting. you know their secret!... when I was an elder, and I had a Q&A service meeting part, or TMS Q&A part that I knew was going to be low participation because it was so repetitive and/or boring, I often seeded the audience with prearranged comments. Difference was that I often tried to get the little kids (pre teen) who were thrilled to be included... and the elderly.... who were amazed any of the elders bothered to pay attention to them. Esp the little could see them sit on the edge of their seats ......

    and believe me...even if there were other hands up, if the little kids had theirs up... I called on them....

    tried to make the meetings fun..... (I once had a 8 foot step ladder for a part...... another story... maybe already told here in the past). The last meetings I attended over a year ago were boring as hell..and the parts I was assigned there wasnt much I could do to make them interesting...other than to shorten them as much as possible.....

    ...why is the Borg doing this? They are cutting their own throats. Kinda like eating their seed corn.... if the kids arent doing anything, where will the growth be?

    ....oooHHHHHH ....THERE WONT BE ANY MORE GROWTH..... yee haaaa!

    Snakes ()

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Maybe the new arrangement will be good. It might help some of the witnesses to wake up to what a horrible organization they belong to. I think what they make children go through borders on child abuse. If you want to see a contrast look at the front page of this Church in my area. They have so many things for the children: This church happens to be Presbyterian but any of the churches I have attended services at since leaving the tower all have programs that are fun for children and better things for adults to do also.

  • Quirky1

    Dazed and confused I'm sure...

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I Quit:

    I agree with you about the way JWs treat children is child abuse. And I also agree with you that most churches have activities that make children WANT to be there. And they have fun activities for adults too.

    My sister and I used to get physically ill on the way to the KH, we dreaded it so much.


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