Keep doing this in memory of me -- invitation to memorial 2009
by iloowy 22 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hummmmmm, i just see a red box!
Well while we are waiting for this problem to be corrected I have a question to ask. A careful study of scripture will reveal that the bread and wine was passed around on Nisan 15, not Nisan 14 as the Watchtower teaches. This observance called the festival of unfermented cakes which lasted for seven days later came to be called Passover for short and was already known as Passover when our Lord observed it. Now since this memorial was now included during this festival week are we to assume that the disciples simply did this once during this entire week? If so why? They were Jews and obligated to observe the remaining days of this festival at the time so are we to assume that they ignored our Lord's command during the remaining days of it? After all it was not the meat but the bread and wine used that was being observed as something special.
I guess they love to waste paper again.
Hey, how'd you get you're invite already??????
I thought it was called "keep looking at this in memory of me".....he he
Interesting comment by Josph Malik...I have turned to my trusty Aid Book, which says that Passover was celebrated after sundown Nisan 14 and was followed by seven days of the Festival of Unfermented Cakes,Nisan 15 - 21.
Now Mathew 26 .17 "On the first day of the Festival of Unfermented Cakes the disciples came up to Jesus saying "Where do you want us to prepare for you to eat the Passover"
So, was it on the 14th or 15th ?? I would welcome any further comment
I too only see the little box with a red x.....
So as not to deprive others of this 'joyous' announcement of the reject Christ invitation......
Now Mathew 26 .17 "On the first day of the Festival of Unfermented Cakes the disciples came up to Jesus saying "Where do you want us to prepare for you to eat the Passover"
The Passover Lamb that was killed and cooked on the fourteenth of Nisan would not be eaten until Sundown. And at sundown the date changed. The date would then be Nisan 15 when the meal is consumed. Your statement above is another example of how this is introduced. The first day of Unfermented Cakes began on Nisan 15 and the festival lasted for 7 days. These 7 days were also called Passover and still are today. Since all this preparation was taking place (actually for this first day not during this first day "On" being a primary particle (adversative or continuative) being introduced here as you show above then we are already well into daylight of Nisan 14 which began the night before yet still getting things ready for this first (the very beginning of) the first day of this 7 day festival called Passover. But of course much of Christianity like the WT is pushing the killing of the Lamb not the Festival it participated in and translate accordingly. If it was really the day of the Festival and not an introduction then it would already be Nisan 15 at the time they were getting ready for it.