One lady even made the comment: "The person who studied with me said my little boy would never go to school. Now I've got grand kids!" This got a big laugh. Very, very sad. Bunch of people sitting around talking about how close the end is and how persecution is sure to come. Grow up.
Guess what? New meeting sucks just as much as the old one did.
by JimmyPage 11 Replies latest social humour
They all laughed at that comment??! Didn't ring any bells for anybody? how pathetic.
Put 8 pounds of horsesh*t in a 5 pound sack.... ya still got 8 pounds of horsesh*t.
That cognitive dissonance is a bitch aint it? Jimmy, thanks for going to those meeting ... I know I couldnt hack it....but reports like yours validate my choices in life.
A lot of truth is disguised as a joke.
If they didnt laugh they would ALL cry at how they wasted their lives...waiting
i was told i'd wouldnt get chance to start school, never leave school let alone have grown nan who was never going to grow old...died aged 93 this year, sixty plus years of faithful service kissed off by a funeral where the speaker couldnt remember her name from one sentence to next and we thought there was a bogof on the coffin, time just carries on ticking.
I found that the tone of the BS was much more somber. At private homes the BSO didnt seem to ever get into depth. At the cong BS all the elders seemed to be really emphasizing the "cult speak" of the study - admitedly this weeks study is full of "cult words" There was even the mention of the "historical fact of 607 BCE" !
We had an elder read and he put huge emphasis on things like "endure" and "christian duty" and phrases like that. Seemed to be more like a WT study. Perhaps this is the idea behind the switch. No one really gets anything from the BS but WT studies seem leave a deeper scar on the psyche of JW's. Now they get hammered in this format twice per week.
One lady even made the comment: "The person who studied with me said my little boy would never go to school. Now I've got grand kids!" This got a big laugh.
The very definition of Cognitive Dissonance.
"The person who studied with me said my little boy would never go to school. Now I've got grand kids
yes but remember, the study was all about how loving it has been for Jehovah to have waited so long to act. If he had acted in 1914, or 40 years ago, where would you or your family have been? How many here would not have been in a good standing before Jehovah?
This seemed to make me think of the whole, "we were just over-zealous" logic. Yes, we taught you the urgency of the times a century ago, but even though you lived and died in this system, look at how lucky your family is that we were wrong! Mistakes of the WTS are actually blessings....
If he had acted in 1914, or 40 years ago, where would you or your family have been? How many here would not have been in a good standing before Jehovah?
Of course, on the other hand....
Because he didn't act 40 years ago, how many more billions of people born since then, in China and elsewhere, are going to brutally slaughtered for the fact that they happened to be born in a place with a low JW ratio? The longer he waits, there are more millions of non-believers who will happen to be alive when Armageddon strikes.
That's a question that will get you a quick trip to the "back room"!
Touche, sir 82!