.....Because!!.............I dare anyone of you,to debate my answer logically!!...................OUTLAW
Why would ALMIGHTY god need a Flood?
by wobble 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
:.....Because!!.............I dare anyone of you,to debate my answer logically!!................
"Because" is not an argument. Since it is not a logical argument, it cannot be answered logically.
Farkel -
[Erased. Redundant.]
Farkel -
That is an easy one: God is a showman just likes to show off, that's all. Trouble is, every time he shows off, a lot of people die. But showing off makes God feel good, so why quibble about it.
After all, he makes up all the rules, and if you don't like his rules, he will kill you. If you do like his rules, he'll probably kill you anyway, but at least you'll be impressed with the way he does it!Freaking brilliant!
Because He needs it to threaten people with mass annihilation if they ever start to advance as a civilization. He wants people to be stagnant and not do very well, so they can depend on Him and He can withhold good and cause bad to keep them in line with petty rules. He doesn't want to compete with having people rely on themselves--so He used the Flood story along with threats of other means of mass destruction in the future to prevent that.
To wipe out the dinosaurs. Duh!