..3 Meetings in 1 Night!..It`s fast!!..It`s furious!!..Don`t go over time!!..Don`t let the kid`s comment!!..Keep your answers scripted!!.....It`s here!!..It`s now!!..Fast Spiritual Food for the Chosen!!..Only at your local McKingdom Hall!!...............................
...Over 6 million Served...
by OUTLAW 32 Replies latest jw friends
Sounds about right!
Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go... super fast super fly super cool.
New and improved... JW. The hippest religion around.
I like you and respect you a lot. You might want to rethink the animated GIFS, though. They went out of style about 7 years ago. Charm them with your wit, not with your graphics. It might be your unique "trademark", but, sigh.....it really looks dated these days. Not to mention it now looks corny.
Sorry. But I'm your bud, and someone has to say it. It might as well be me, since no one else has had the balls to say it.
Farkel -
Super Size me?
cognizant dissident
Hey, if I ever meet Outlaw, and he doesn't look like a snickering dog, I will be sorely disappointed!
Spiritual junk food!
I think a lot of us one time die-hards were the sort that really tried to bring the meetings to life and tried to be innovative and creative. But eventually you have to give up on the change from within approach - this organisation is doomed.
Yes , the older ones that I know hate being told to limit their answers to what is in the paragraph and to make sure that they take no more than 30 seconds...There is no incentive to look up anything extra and the dumbed down material is so basic there is no reason to prestudy...but they go along "To be obedient" , where is the joy in that?
The more scripted and more limited time to answer reveals what's most important, to maintain mass illusion in the shortest time possible.
I love you, Outlaw.