Have you ever made a JW eat "humble pie"?
by asilentone 13 Replies latest jw experiences
:Have you ever made a JW eat "humble pie"?
No. They swallow it themselves. Each and every time they try to defend their doctrine.
However, I am curious about someone who has a MALE symbol on this board and a cartoon of a FEMALE with two rather large thingies, BOTH of which are referring to the SAME poster.
Are you some WT puke assigned to this board and think you are clever, or are you just a freak who thinks you can announce yourself with a MALE symbol and then announce yourself with a cartoon FEMALE picture?
What say you?
Farkel -
I am really a male My avatar was inspired by Awakened@gilead, see http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/167481/1.ashx , Me a bethel spy? Absolutely not!
: Me a bethel spy? Absolutely not!
Then I believe you. All spies are famous for telling the truth. Always.
Farkel -
Oh, you mean THIS comment from AAG?
:I second that question.. why do posters who don't reveal themselves ask for the rest of us to reveal ourselves? Its like wearing clothes at a nude beach....
Yet, AAG has not only posted a male avatar, he has posted DOZENS of pictures of himself and several videos of himself, so your lame excuse falls into the toilet from whence you drew it.
You said you were looking for another avatar but apparently you haven't found one yet. Gosh, there must be a huge shortage of male avatars out there.
I didn't ask you to "reveal" yourself. I asked you why your gender is allegedly male and your picture is a cartoon girl with big tits, and you haven't even come close to answering to this board why there is that difference.
I could be wrong, but only an arrogant poser would make such stupid statements against a simple challenge. Only a Watchtower mole among others of a select few would be so stupid and arrogant as to think we wouldn't see through such nonsense.
But I could be wrong.
Farkel -
Do you mean, "Have you ever made a JW recant on some point they made that was completely false?" Or do you mean, "Have you ever made a JW repent of their past bad acts against humanity?"
If the former, I did that just the other day, most recently. A poster named "diogenes" claimed that only male animals could be sacrificed according to the Mosaic Law. Preposterous and easily disproven.
I've told a lot of them off, before and after my exit. Mostly in person.
One that comes to mind is a guy who claimed the Truth Book was the best-selling book ever. I provided him with a source that proved otherwise and said he should remove the lie from his web site so as to stop being a teller of falsehoods. He emailed me back and said he knew I was right but refused to change his web site. I asked for his congregation name so I could contact his elders. Funny, he didn't respond.
I did a campaign to get the Holocaust Museum to stop refusing to put BOTH sides of the jw-nazi story in their library. They finally did! They said the documents on jws were one of their most-requested resources. Now people will be able to hear the truth rather than the lies the wts wrote up for their library.
I was inducted into the Apostate Hall of Fame for that one. ;) -
Nathan Natas
3 eggs
1 stick butter, melted
1 1/2 c. sugar
2 tbsp. flour
2 tbsp. vinegar
1 tbsp. vanilla
1 unbaked 9 inch pie shellPreheat oven to 300 degrees. In a medium bowl, combine eggs, butter, sugar, flour, vinegar and vanilla. Blend well. Pour mixture into pie shell. Bake for 45 minutes.
Nathan, Thanks for the recipe, but I am talking about "humble pie" expression.
No. They swallow it themselves
My approach is similar. I just ask seemingly innocent questions until they back themselves into a corner.