I laugh at all the people that want to save the animals from us eating them!
who's gonna save them from themselves?
by Nathan Natas 36 Replies latest jw friends
I laugh at all the people that want to save the animals from us eating them!
who's gonna save them from themselves?
This the first time I've heard Allan Watts mentioned on this forum. I used to listen to him on the radio here in LA on KPFK when I was still a witness. This was back in the late 70's. I think he had already passed away by then. I'm sure he was instrumental in me starting to think for myself again.
Hard to watch that, dacheech. I had to turn the volume off to get through it;)
I found Alan Watts' writings and speaking to be very helpful to me when I was first wandering in the post-Watchtower wilderness too, but I feel he made a mistake by refusing to let go of that last refuge - religion - so that makes me better than him. (Bob's Epistle To The Sub-Geniuses, chapter 3, verse 16)
After all, what does "If you meet buddha on the road, kill him." mean? It's not meant as a fatwa.
"Hare me-me, Hare me-me, me-me me-me, hare, hare!"
Also, I'm alive and Alan Watts is now dead. That gives me instant bonus points. You too!
SNOWBIRD SAID: "If killing was meant to be, I wonder why it upsets us so? It is even upsetting to the animal kingdom."
I am of a mind that it is just a very natural reaction to a natural one wants to die violently, but, it does happen. It's the law of the jungle for animals: kill or be killed.........crows are extremely intelligent and have been known to hold funeral gatherings for one of their own, as well as mourn a crow of their group who has been killed. funny that they call a group of crows a murder...........hmmmm
This past summer I watched from my window as two crows pecked a baby squirrel to death in my yard. We are seldom witness to this kind of thing but it happens all the time. Still, it was rather gruesome to watch. It's all part of the web of life.
but I feel he made a mistake by refusing to let go of that last refuge - religion - so that makes me better than him.
Are you referring to his zen practice? If you are, I wouldn't characterize Zen Buddhism so much as a religion as a way to transcend all beliefs, even the belief in a personalized "self", and stand directly in the ground of being with no mental support. There is nothing to believe in, nothing to do - now if that's "religion" then I'm all for it.
Eagles and hawks have been in every place we have lived ... I used to find rabbit parts around work all the time. We had a pair of nesting bald eagles in the wood lot next door. Came across a frozen Canda Goose that was hacked on the neck and shoulder... I can only assume he took a mid air strike with a eagle or big hawk.
Red tail hawks .. watched em eat rabbits moles and other small furry stuff all the time.
Life is fragile and things gotta eat. Fact of life...Bambi is a myth.
'If killing was meant to be, I wonder why it upsets us so?'
It's because of the environment where you live, and how you were brought up, your parents. If you had been taught from little how death and reproduction are part of a natural cycle, it would not upset you so much. The native peoples generally have a better understanding and respect for animal life, even though that traditionally have to kill animals. The part in a movie, where they had the pygmy in the kalahari desert explain to the animal why he needed to kill it shows that balance.
Satanus said, "The part in a movie, where they had the pygmy in the kalahari desert explain to the animal why he needed to kill it shows that balance."
I believe that was "The Gods Must Be Crazy". The irony, of course, being that one simple soda bottle threw the entire civilization out of balance.
Odd pertinent trivia: There is a documentary about the making of that film. Talk about irony... the film was about the culture being thrown out of sync by a soda bottle... how much more do you think the film crew threw it out of sync in real life? The documentary tells the tale. Disconcerting. Fact is stranger (and apparently more ironic) than fiction.