JWN won`t let my dog in!!....I can`t leave my dog on JWD!!....Who will feed him!!..There will be no one for him to snicker at!!..Everyone will be gone except my dog!!..How do I get my dog into JWN?!!...........................OUTLAW
JWN won`t let my Dog in!!
by OUTLAW 26 Replies latest jw friends
posting on JWN... did I let your dog in?
Snakes ()
OUTLAW...go into the little tree icon (2nd line under Font family) and click on it... then copy the URL that your dog is at on the web...and insert...
Snakes ()
..I got my dog Back!!..................Can still shoot Troll`s!!..And..............OUTLAW
You've got to get him a new flea collar first.
Thanks Snakes!!..Actually I was able to get the dog in using Hot Mail...........The JWN page does`nt fill up my screen like JWD is there any way to fix that?.......................OUTLAW
FinallyFree..Mr.Smarty Pants..They let your bird in without a flea collar!!..LOL!!.....OUTLAW
Now, it's going to be, who let the dog out! Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? LOL. Sylvia
Snow Bird....Now, it's going to be, who let the dog out! Who? Who? Who? Who? Who?....LOL!!..........................OUTLAW
Deputy Dog
It must be a Dog thing!
I can't get in either.
Deputy "DOG"