What makes a person worldly?
What Makes a Person "Worldly"?
by cameo-d 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They weren't baptzed under the authority of the WTS and managed to not get caught breaking their rules.
They're not jws
What Blondie and Jonesy said.
What are the characteristics of a worldy person?
Even if a person had all the qualities of Christ but were not baptized by jws/wts and following their rules, they would be considered "worldly."
- world, worldly
- Organized human society outside the Christian congregation. As such, it is in a state of alienation from God and his purposes. In {NW}, world translates forms of the Greek word ko'smos. (Jam 4:4; 1Jo 2:15-17)Thus worldly is used to describe an attitude of conformance to the world in appearance, thinking, and actions, and is in contrast to {spiritual}. <<Since slacking off on his study and meeting attendance, Brother Slide has begun to display some worldly speech and habits.>>
~Lynn David Newton, 2000, Glossary of American English Hacker Theocratese
A persons unwillingness to warm a KH chair with ones keister.
I have been told it's ankle bracelets and denim skirts that make one worldly.
There's the JW definition of "worldly" and there's the normal definition of "worldly"...
Dictionary definition: of, relating to, or devoted to this world and its pursuits rather than to religion or spiritual affairs
Definition of 'worldly-wise' which is listed under 'worldly': possessing a practical and often shrewd understanding of human affairs
The second definition is closer to what I think of when someone not influenced by JWthink uses the term 'worldly'
Under JW definition, anyone who isn't a JW is "worldly". Even baptized JWs who act without regard to JW standards will be called "worldly acting"...basically an insult. "Worldly" is a buzzword with the JW crowd so as to set everyone not part of the JW system as bad or evil.
I think to be called 'worldly' is a compliment...once you're free of the JW influence.