A topic for the next JW meeting
The Bible has turned green.
by is there help out there 12 Replies latest jw friends
The brain dead republican Christians "I'm Stupid and I vote"
Are against the green bible because they say the earth is going to be destroyed shortly.
Why put oil in a car your going to drive over a cliff.?
The atheist and secular humanist are not violent. Deffitnitely not violent like Christians and muslems.
Thats too bad, Because the christians are a virus on this earth.
The earth needs cleansing of the Christians.
No ones going to take the Christians out.
So the Christians are going to destroy the earth in their own Armegedon.
A self fulfilling prophecy.
Wow Jaguar, you have alot of hate in your heart.
is there help out there
Jaguar, Your life sounds like a boundle of joy. You sound like a person who go into a mall wiyh a ak-47 and kill a lot of cristions. I think it is time to visit a head doctor. God help you.
I have a lot of hate?
Wake up.
The Christians and the moslems are all about hate and war.
Since Jesus the Christians have been tearing things up.
And before Jesus the Israelites were tearing things up.
Read some history.
You guys are fooling yourself if you think your spreading love.
God is not going to help me. And hes not going to help you.
If there was a god who was concerned we wouldnt have the conditions we have.
I'm not full of hate.
I know what time it is and what is going on.
As I said atheist and humanitarians are not violent, Christians and moslems are.
Atheist and secular humanist arent inclined to tear things up that they cant put back together.
None of the christians I know tear things up.
None of the christians I know tear things up. Junction Guy, I know a lot of Christians and they supported George Bush, and he went in and tore up Iraq and put the United states in a depression/ rescession. All the Christians I know personally supported George Bush. The United Nations told him dont do it. HIs intelligence reports told him there were no weapons of mass destruction. He never got Bin Ladin. War is big business and the republicans manipulate the Christians. This business of war by people like Bush has been going on since man has been recording history. Christians have no problem fighting stupid wars because they believe when they die they go someplace better with Jesus, and are blessed beyond their wildest imaginatins, which is not all that much different than moslem suicide bombers thinking they get 71 virgins when they assinate someone. The powers that be love these stories so they can manipulate the pawns, Christians and moslems to fight their war and make profit for them in a cosmic game of chess here on earth. You seem like a nice guy. keep reading your bible, take notes, reflect on what you read. Ask your self or God via prayer to show you the truth. You need to read your bible. Going to church and getting spoon fed a verse here and there out of context is not going to wake you up or cause you to see the truth. And if you like being comfortable, disregard everything I say and ignore my post. They are not for everybody.
Whose truth? Your truth? Why must you always be on the search for Truth? Can't you just accept that some things just exist, even without religion involved.
I am sure there are plenty of Atheists in the military, in fact some of the higher ups in the military. I just don't see how a person such as yourself can have such a hatred for a group of people that didn't even cause you the current problems you have in life.
It wasnt the Baptists that screwed you, it was the Watchtower. -
You said religion is a disease... Religion has killed more people than any disease ever did!
Whose truth? Your truth? Why must you always be on the search for Truth? Can't you just accept that some things just exist, even without religion involved. I can accept that somethings always exist, even without religion involved. Why do I look for the truth? Maybe its a hobby. I have time on my hands. On my lifes journey, I have come to see that those in power manipulate and play the religious. Everybody screws everybody in this life. I've had some life changing moments due to my dealings with stupid christians. I've been out of the tower since 83. This is a discussion board so I am not trying to put my dislike for Christians on you personally. I have met a few people that wore the Christian label that I would describe as decent. In fact I wore the lable for 10 years and I was very decent, honest and caring. This is a Jehovahs witness discussion board. Made up of to my eyes apostates, ex JW's Life is a journey, we all started out at a common terminal the kingdumb hall. I like to tell people when they are jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. Just like you like to tell people to jump out of the frying pan. We post therefore we am. Like Dawkins says an atheist is just a person who believes in 1 less God than you do. By the way I classify myself as an agnostic, either out of ignorance or failure to update my lable. Or maybe keeping my options open. But I am pretty sure the God of the bible Jehovah is/are men, homo sapiens, alien types who genetically enginered us to be a little stupider than him. Actually I think satin did the work, then felt remorse and tried to enlighten us. And Elohim/ jehovah the council of Gods punished him for enlightening man. Satin working for the Gods made us Smart enough to work for him. Not smart enough to be on to him and revolt. I lean towards believing in reincarnation which I cant prove because its kind of like being born again. I dont go through life angry or bad mouthing anyone in public, not christians not muslims not anyone. This is the internet a discussion board where ideas and topics can be raised up the flag pole and see who salutes. And here I do bad mouth or express my disdain for christians. Because I am anonymous and so are you. For the record as a group I dont like muslims or republicans either. Everybody else is ok. There is nothing wrong with not liking certain things. It's a trait everyone displays. But I like most everyone individually as a person without a lable. Check out this book if you want to know where I am coming from. After you read the reviews read the book. But you know what? You cant really read the above book. Because you are just like a JW but with another label. If you read it you cant be honest about it. You have to say this cant be true. Because if this is true my world is falling apart. And I dont know how to deal with that. It started to crumble when I found out about the JW's but I was able to salvage large parts of it. Meetings/ church. I still got the bible and scriptures. I still have people to hate although I will call it love, homos, atheist, communist, moslems. It's not as good as being a witness because then I could hate the whole world and everything in it. But you can still get your hate on. Kind of like me not liking Christians, republicans and muslims. I still dont have to get a headache from thinking because somebody or some religious litterature will always tell me what to do. And if I'm in a bind I can always drop back and punt and use the old "What would Jesus do?" Any way junction guy, I like you personally. I just have a problem with the labels you hide behind sometimes. I got that from your Christians. "We dont hate the sinner, just the sin." And the only reason I am telling you this is because you responded to my post, which was kind of like a chain. You yanked it.