These guys are terrorists and we should send them off to Guantanamo to have them all water boarded until they confesss that there full of shit. I'm not for torture but when it comes to these scumbags i'm all for it. I would get midevil and shit on there ass!
updated GB photos....
by yknot 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
POst deleted, can't figure out how to post pictures of hienrich himmler to compare to stephen lett
Wow, that's one diverse group.
For MEGA......
compared to Lett....
but since I posted this on JWD.... and JWN formats differently I think MEGA meant....... Geof Jackson
versus Jackson
Yeah, I doubt Himmlers face was as rubbery as Letts.
So nice to see that they still shower. You can tell, as their ugly history isn't all over them like tar. Wait till the end of their next GB meeting, THEN photo them.
I didn't know what the caterpillar dance was all about. So I looked it up. If this is anything like the catepillar dance he did, I would imagine that he must have some apostate leanings or he has been listening to and viewing things that would indicate an itch for DF.
Um, it wasn't that one. He doesn't have the body type for it. (which is called "doughy-round") If he tried that, I would have lost my BBQ.
Thank you Ynot! layout was a little confusing @ the jwn. Geof jackson it is. There's an older pic of himmler with a similar hair line, having the 2 side by side, you'd think they were brothers...
...........I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if a thousand copies of Photoshop were being fired up simultaneously.....
Ted Jaracz is EVIL.