Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Life of Brian Spinal Tap Blazing saddles Independance day Walk the line. As you can see I have an ecletic taste in all films,so long as they contain music humour,bodily functions etc!!
Your Favorite Movies of All Time ?
by flipper 62 Replies latest jw friends
Scarred for life
I remember The Chalk Garden also. I saw it with some cousins when I was a little girl. I'd like to see it again.
The Color Purple, Fight Club, Interview With A Vampire, Notting Hill, Pretty Woman,Silverado,The Sixth Sense
My new fave: The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons
NO MORE KOOL AID- Beautiful Mind was a brilliant movie ! I thought Russell Crowe was at his best in this one !
FLYING HIGH NOW- Forrest Gump and Napolean Dynamite - love both of those flicks !
MIMIMI- One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest - definitely a classic !
PURPLE SOFA- Uncle Buck is a great movie as is Enemy of the State ! Really liked Will Smith and Gene Hackman in that !
UNCLE BRUCE- Raiders of the Lost Ark- definitely a classic !
CALIBER - Titanic and Dances with Wolves I love a lot !
LEOLAIA- The Princess Bride is high on my list too ! Love the witty , dry humpor in that movie ! Fargo is great ! Titanic , Bridgette Jones Diary is really good , United 93 I too thought was great , I have that as well. Napolean Dynamite is tremendous. Really love his dance at the end of the movie ! It's hilarious !
GENTLY FERAL- Catch Me if you Can was a great movie . Loved Leonardo , but loved Christopher Walken as his dad ! Of course- I love Christopher Walken in anything ! Young Frankenstein - a classic.
SACOLTON- Loved The Green Mile ! Watched The Exorcist 1 time with a girlfriend in my single days. She and her teenage kids brought over candles , lit them , and scared the $hit out of this born-in ex-witness boy ! Never saw it again- truly creepy.
LOVES DUBS- Speed - A great movie . Keanu Reeves is good, but Dennis Hopper is even better as a crazed creepy guy ! Forrest gump- great !
FOUR CANDLES- My wife loves the Monty Python movies- especially Life of Brian ! Blazing Saddles was good and Independence Day too .
CHANGELING- I liked Notting Hill - good love story. Silverado was good too, as was Sixth Sense. Good picks ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Groundhog Day
My favs are always changing...
Favorite movies I've seen this past year are The Dark Knight and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.
Some all time favs:
Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark
Easy Rider
Young Frankenstein
The Princess Bride
Once Upon A Time in the West
The Eastwood trilogy - Fistful of Dollars/Few Dollars More/GB&U
North by Northwest
the list goes on and on and on and on and...
Gone With The Wind
The Godfather
Sling Blade
Clint's Spaghetti Westerns
LOTR Trilogy
O Brother, Where Art Thou
Young Frankenstein
Resevoir Dogs
Star Wars (All, except Phantom Menace)
America, World Police
keyser soze
Here's my top 5: Raiders of the Lost Ark, Full Metal Jacket, Reservoir Dogs, Cool Hand Luke, Saving Private Ryan
Obviously not of all time but very much a favorite,
Boondock Saints!
Will list more when time allows.