what do you say?
I've heard they say that "the truth" is for thinkers...
by Newborn 15 Replies latest jw friends
Yes it is,those whose thinking only goes in circles.
The truth is for thinkers. That's why non-thinkers remain JWs.
That's exactly why they don't have the turth, they DON"T think (for themselves)
Yeah, I've heard that too and I actually believed it for a while. Now when I talk with a JW its feels like I'm talking to a Stepford wife. There is no thinking going on in that org.
Well, JW thinking is a lot like the WT study when you get right down to it. They control the questions, they control the answers, they control the format, and you are not welcome if you do not accept everything on their terms.
Real thinking involves researching "if these things are really so" (a favorite WT phrase) and coming up with your own questions, and getting the answers to your questions on JW's, like: Have JW's always believed the way they do? Any unfulfilled prophecies? etc etc etc
The real trick of JW's is that they get people to stop thinking, then pat them on their back for their excellent thinking faculties.
TooBad TooSad
The mind eating cult takes away any possibility of thinking. They check
their brains in at the door before entering the KH to be instructed by
the Witchtower Babbel and Trick Society.
TooBad TooSad
"I've heard they say that "the truth" is for thinkers".......Unless it`s WBT$ Truth..WBT$ Truth Stinks!!..It`s all Crap!!.................. Lets try this.."WBT$ Truth" is for thinkers Stinkers"..........................
I think(!) there are a lot of very thoughtful people who are Witnesses. But often they seem to have terrible blind spots too.
Like the brother who told me that in his opinion the Sept 2007 Kingdom Ministry was "pure mind control". I was surprised to hear him use such terminology to condemn something in the literature - yet he is still very much a believer.
How you can think the organization is attempting "mind control" and at the same time believe it is "the truth" I can't quite understand.
So many Witnesses do "think" deeply about things. They just draw different conclusions than most of us do.
It may be for thinkers.
But if your thinking about the wrong things, you end up in a rut.
They get all hung up on thinking about what is wrong about everybody else and forget that they got the wool pulled over their eyes.