Change the way you see JWN

by OUTLAW 14 Replies latest jw friends


    Some of us are having a hard time with the way JWN comes up on our screen..There`s a way to fix that..Change the resolution on your Screen.....JWD came up very narrow on my screen.....I had my screen set at 1680x1050pixels..I`ve dropped it down to1280x960pixels.....Now JWN is much easier to read.................How do you change the Resolution on your Screen?.............................#1:Go to your regular screen with all the little symbols on it.......#2:Find a clear spot on the screen and click your Right mouse button.....#3:Go to "Properties"/Click left mouse button.....#4:Go to "Settings"....There you will find "Screen Resolution".......Set it up or down.....See what works for your computer screen.....And..Enjoy the all new..

    FireworksFireworks..JWN!!..FireworksFireworks.....................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • AllTimeJeff

    Thats one smart dog!

  • yesidid

    Outlaw you say:

    "1:Go to your regular screen with all the little symbols on it......."

    OK so I'm dumb! But.................................. What is my " regular screen"?

    Is it word or internet explorer, or what?

    BTW I did try both of them without success. So now what?

    Thanks for trying to help. Sorry I'm so stupid.


    Yesidid..Your "regular screen" is the one that comes up, when you first turn on your computer..You may have an internet explorer symbol on that screen,or any other number of symbols..Ignore all of that..Just take your mouse to where there are no symbols and click your Right mouse button..From there,just follow my instructions...........................

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • TheSilence

    Perhaps you mean 'Desktop'?



    The Silence..Perhaps I do..I don`t know..My son knows all the names for this stuff and he`s not here..LOL!!...........So I ask you.....Do I mean desk top?..........................

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Leolaia

    But that changes the way you see everything on your computer. I don't think people would want to do that each time they want to visit this website. So it won't suit everyone. But if you already use a very large display, it certainly will help you read this site and everything else if you like the smaller display.

  • TheSilence

    lol, I think you do... but I'm not sure as I'm running Windows Vista. I know for me I would right click on the desktop and go to Graphic Properties... hard for me to say beyond that.



    Leolaia.."But that changes the way you see everything on your computer"....True enough..But..when I had my resolution set at 1680x1050..JWN was extremly hard to read..I now have it set at 1280x1024 (I`ve been playing with it) and it`s much easier to read.....Simon said the normal setting now a days is 1024..It seems to work for me..........................................The Silence..Thanks!!..LOL!!.......................................

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • yesidid

    Thanks OUTLAW


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