I'm not certain it is none of their business. The more I think about it, I think my own attitude towards this might be transformed by certain decisions they or he might make. The reason I keep my initials as my username echoes the sentiment that I thought life was not worth living, even with constant familial connection, under that regime of lies.
Now I would theorize that they acknowledge that there remains a familial responsibility even after a spiritual relationship has ended, and even if that family member has moved away. It is a residual responsibility, but it is as physicists say "non-vanishing" and never reaches Zero. But if a spiritual relationship that was positive, and then became neutral, then later turns negative, such as in the case of apostacy, then it seems possible to me that they could in good conscience cancel or waive the familial responsibility that is otherwise in force for what I shall hamfistedly mangle as "DF'd or DA'd family members in good standing".
Worst case scenario: Does anyone have experience or knowledge of a case where a dying JW forbid a family member that was allegedly apostate from seeing them and paying last respects before they died? I don't know where their spiritual binding energy is greater than their familial binding energy. It seems possible that in a case where there is some shadow of a doubt that a family member is """""apostate""""", by their particular sequence of qualifications, they might in fact decide that their spiritual needs and their status in the eyes of the congregation will be better if they decline the visit or presense of such """"apostate"""".
Something is telling me that if they / he insists upon such a stance, then that will be their encouragement to me to wash my hands of the familial responsibility. I am not sure that it is worth cheating, by hiding the fact that I speak my mind, and which they perforce call """"apostate"""", in order to gain access and pay respects to the family member about to die. I do not intend or hope to evade a familial duty by them somehow learning that I post on a board like this. But if they were to discover such a fact, and I won't hide it, then I don't think that is the same as me shooting myself in the foot - it is more them having the chance to demonstrate which of the two of us actually fulfills the verses "love of the greater number will cool off" and "having no natural affection".
Someone with some life experience please advise me where I am losing the high ground. If they were to call me on this particular board, or """"apostacy"""" in general, where would I gain the high ground by dissembling or lying by omission? To my mind, I would strengthen my father's faith if he had the unfortunate satisfaction of sticking to his guns in refusing to see his apostate son.
Any observations, experiences, perspectives, please.