He does protest to much...

by loosie 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • loosie

    I was watching one of those american justice type shows today. A man came home and found a pool of blood on the bed and his wife and daughter were missing. He called 911 to report it.

    So the police search for a suspect. All the while asking him if his wife had any enemies. He said "No. We are a really christian family" Apparantly they were really active in their church really good christians. He made comments to that effect and so did his friend and neighbors.

    Within the first 7 minutes of the show, I said to myself I bet he killed her.

    I was right. Apparently she wanted to leave him because of his porn addiction. So he shot her and put her in the trash compactor.

    What I don't get is why did he make such a big deal about being such a good christian? Did he think the police wouldn't suspect him because he was a good christian?

  • snowbird

    Yes, that's probably what he was hoping.

    Whenever anyone feels the need to announce, "I'm a Christian," I'm always leery of them.


  • FlyingHighNow

    He would have been smarter to say, "Oh yeah, boy do we have enemies." What a butthead.

  • Watkins

    I agree - instead of throwing the light of suspicion off , he beamed it into a pinpoint on himself. Not the smartest murderer... that sounds weird... I've always thought murderers were, at least in that moment of time, insane.

    But - what happened to the daughter???? Found alive and well, I'm hoping... even tho' an orphan.

    peace --- watkins

  • Seeker4

    In the death of one marriage mate, the other mate is always a first round suspect.

    We watch a lot of Law & Order, so I'm sort of an expert on this!


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Me thinketh he doth protest too much. Me thinketh thou art right!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Yes, that's probably what he was hoping.

    Whenever anyone feels the need to announce, "I'm a Christian," I'm always leery of them.


    When anyone is a "christian," I'm leery of them.

  • beksbks

    Doh! Doe!


    Loosie.. "So the police search for a suspect. All the while asking him if his wife had any enemies. He said "No. We are a really christian family" Apparantly they were really active in their church really good christians. He made comments to that effect and so did his friend and neighbors. What I don't get is why did he make such a big deal about being such a good christian? Did he think the police wouldn't suspect him because he was a good christian?".................. Have you ever watched a troll on JWD..Reniaa would be a good Example..LOL!!.....Try getting an answer out of someone who does`nt want to get caught telling the truth..They will give you an answer to anything,but the question you asked them..................................."I was right. Apparently she wanted to leave him because of his porn addiction. So he shot her and put her in the trash compactor.".....The perfect way to keep a marriage together!!......He would have done better to roll her in snow and prop her up in the front yard.. Snowman................................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • tenyearsafter

    Being a police officer, I can tell you that protest by diversion make me very suspicious. An innocent person is generally very direct about their innocence. The minute someone tries to use outside influences in their protests, ie: "I'm a good person" "I am a Christian" I've never been in trouble", it makes me very suspicious. An innocent person generally says, "I didn't do it!" and then can supply a good alibi.

    I agree with Outlaw...lurkers are very good at using the diversion tactic to deny their guilt for lying or being on "apostate" sites.


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