cisis of consience and christian freedom they should be here by christmas (a gift to myself ,first one in 7 years) celebrating christmas this year, havent been to the kingdom hall in a month and a half and i feel real good about it! i do belive im going to read these books and give myself a real gift THE BIG D.A.! .........Jedd
just ordered R.Franz books
by Doc_jedd 11 Replies latest jw friends
WTG Doc! I read COC and it was a real eye opener! Enjoy!
D wiltshire
Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Merry ChristmasIf someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
Hey doc,I bought the book when it first came out.A real shocker,especially way back then..MERRY CHRISTMAS...OUTLAW
COC opened my door to freedom.
......the thing is i wouldnt have known these books existed if i hadnt wandered to this board .......they sound like a good read i can hardly wait for them to get here!........thanx folks......Jedd
Just wait, you won't be able to put them down.
And THEN you will get mad.
Slipnslidemaster:"The average person thinks he isn't."
- Father Larry Lorenzoni -
ISP will also see a scanned copy of the first ever DA letter ever written!
Slip says:
And THEN you will get mad.
As HE!!-- after you realize you have been Hoodwinked and Bamboozled
yep your Jaws get prety tight after you read those books
If only we could get these endorsed by Oprah's Book Club!