Serious WTS Decline Stats........

by ISP 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • rhett

    What I really like is the decline in studies and baptized people. That would imply two seperate things. If the number of baptized publishers goes down then that would mean that they are losing the more dedicated publishers, effectively, the top end so to say. The decline in studies would indicate that there won't be as many people to replace all of the ones that have left, effectively, they lose their bottom end. Looks like the cult is really burning their candle at both ends now!
    BTW, go Czech's!!! I've got a friend who lives in Prague. Lucky guy, nowhere near as many JW's there..............

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • MadApostate

    If my "counting" recollection is correct, the decline in BSs is far more significant than meets the eye.

    Aren't "JW family" studies, which include unbaptized members, counted now as BSs?

    If so, that means there is a "foundational" number of BSs that are held with JW children, with any decline then coming from non-jwfamily studies.

  • anewperson

    All excellent, true comments. Another thread is detailing ways Brooklyn hopes to try to keep the statistics for the USA from looking any worse. Just cosmetics. They see the canyon yawning up at them. In the last 3 or so years they stopped averaging 12 months of publisher activity and just gave the peak month of hours activity. So it says the USA was a 0% growth in 2001 but the real decline was worse. At that the Spanish-speaking congregations in the USA still grew at about 2%. This means the actual growth for English-speaking halls is probably more like -2.5% for 2001 if one goes back to standards then used back in 1992. Jah's Spirit has transferred.

  • siegswife


  • ozziepost


    Powerful points simply made. Thanks.

    I hadn't realised the extent of the Czech 'problem'. Very interesting.

    BTW was Jah's Spirit ever with the WTS? A moot point.


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."


  • Seeker4

    Family bible studies have always been counted as part of the total. How do you think most elders and servants get in half their time?

    S4 - Who holds to his idea that the WTS started into a serious decline in the mid-1990's with the generation change.

  • proplog2

    The completion of the Witness work in the richest 1/3 of the earth could have prophetic significance.

  • one

    well riding the beast did not help to get there, after freddy died

    1992 - 2001 ten years

    many jw families can easily grow 100% in 10 years,

    20% overall increase in that period should be reflected, just having babies

    But, where is the allegoric exit "revolving door", i need to get out

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